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Posts posted by JJGooding

  1. It doesn't matter what you do...that Canson 140lb cold press paper never works. I don't know a single person that paints flash that can use that shit. Try Arches....if you buy from a chain store, it can be spendy. Thats why I usually print a Michael's coupon off and use that. You get like 40% off.

    I bet if you try some Arches paper it will start shaping up a bit better. Also, try different brushes every now and then. I am certainly not a good painter but I do know that if you experiment you can always find something that probably works better.

    As I hear people say, "There is no wrong way to watercolor, as long as it looks good, who gives a fuck?"

    Thanks for the advice. I'll play around with brushes and papers and see what happens.
  2. I've just started using watercolors recently and I'm having a difficult time getting my shading transitions smooth. I'm using Speedball acrylics for shading/black. I'm also using some cheap brushes mixed in with Robert Simmons white sables on Canson 140lb cold press. So far the shadings been streaky or cloudy looking. Also if I'm painting something with a ton of black, like a panther, it looks streaky. Does this come with practice or do I have something going on in my materials list?

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