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Posts posted by datatulip

  1. Currently, I'm really in Xoil's work, as well as Jef Palumbo, who has a similar style. Another artist I adore is Alix, who is based in Versailles, I believe. The stuff I've seen is mostly these beautiful portraits of weeping aristocratic women.

  2. When I'm wearing clothing that shows off my tattoo, I am often approached by strangers (usually men) who want to talk about it. Once, I've had a man ask me if I was religious, and that God would not approve of a young woman such as myself marring her body with tattoos. This was while I was having tea with a male friend of mine who is much more heavily tattooed than me. (I have two tattoos, he has 14.) So there is definitely still a prejudice against women with tattoos.

  3. Hi, my name is Katie and I'm a 19 year old girl in southern Ontario. I have two tattoos already, one was a spur-of-the-moment decision when I was 18, and the other is a well-thought out tattoo that I'm actually proud of. I've wanted to get tattoos since I learned that that was a thing that a person could do. Currently trying to plan a large thigh piece, and also planning a half sleeve.

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