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Posts posted by jvm986

  1. Hey everyone,

    Thanks for the great replies. This type of feedback is exactly what I'm after!

    Gerhard is about 500km from me, but his work is stunning I think I'll contact him and if he's keen spend the night down there a few times. Thanks for that.

    Regarding the detail of the map, I'm working on the drawing (I'm going to get it laser cut into a piece of timber to put on my wall - I've gota be sure I am actually as in love with the design as I think I am :p) and this is about the level of detail I would be happy with. I'm undecided on shading or landscape, but at this point this is what see.

  2. Hi, thanks for the reply :)

    My main (and at this point, only) idea is to get what is essentially a map of the city in which I grew up. Here is the design... I know you don't want my whole life story but I'm an urban designer working as an architect and this design means a lot to me for a number of reasons.

    My initial reaction was to simplify the design to the roads and the outline of the lake in black at varying lineweights. I see it starting at my shoulder/lower neck and finishing at the base of my ribcage on my back (so 40cm or so tall).

    I spoke to a guy who specialises in tribals here in Berlin and he is confident he can do it in 4-5 2 hour sessions and that he can get the lines straight and consistent enough for it to look good.

    I realised yesterday that Peter Aurisch lives here and I started seeing the design with his style of shading looking pretty good, so I sent him an email and am waiting a response. I get the feeling this is a job which is too inflexible for him though...

    Anyway, it would be nice to get some opinions on this ... I get the feeling the artist could be a little overconfident, so I thought I would gauge your opinion on the chances of this idea looking crisp.

  3. Hi,

    I'm an aussie living in Berlin. Joining this forum to explore the world of tattoos with the hopeful idea of getting my first tattoo sometime in the next couple of months.

    I have a few ideas and hopefully you guys are able to give me some feedback and advice.


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