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Posts posted by fiftyfifty

  1. Welcome dude! Where've you gone for your non-kitcheny tattoos?

    Hey cheers!

    Well i lived in York, UK for a few years and went to a (now closed) studio called Pins and Needles which was really great place, very relaxed. I've also have one done in Singapore on Haji Lane. And the next place I'm getting one done is either in New York or California as i'm doing a big ass road trip from one to the other with a friend in September which i'm very much looking forward to. How about yourself, where do you get the majority of yours done?

  2. I've got the owl with top hat on a crow bar on my chest. To be honest i didn't know it was a russian tattoo untill some time after i had had it done! I had just asked for an interesting owl tattoo and the tattooist had returned with that design. After someone mentioned that it was a cool russian tattoo i researched and i am now actually wondering if it is a little dangerous to keep it, incase seen by the wrong eyes... or if it is too old and unused nowadays to matter... don't suppose anyone has any thoughts on this?


  3. Hey, I'm Joe. I'm from Bristol, UK and I've currently got 4 tattoos (owl on my chest, skull and an' Albion' text tattoo on my left arm and an anchor on my right arm commemorating my grandfather who was in the navy in wwII) but pending manymany more hopefully. Got my first one at 19 in a friends kitchen after a few drinks. Buutt since then have stuck to parlours/studios (although the kitchen went fine... luckily.)

    Anyway, i registered here today and thought i'd introduce myself.

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