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Posts posted by Chelsea11coleman

  1. Thanks I think I might talk to my artist about that. My skin isn't super pale but it's not super tan either, but in the summer I do soak up the sun quite well. To give you a better idea the tattoo is the two words "work ethic" about 1 inch tall and 2 inches wide, fairly small. Does the fleshy color seem to hold up well over time? Also I am aspiring to be a physical therapist or athletic trainer, so long sleeves all the time is pretty much out the window for me. Thanks again for the advice!

  2. So to all the tattooed people out there....how are your experiences with being tattooed in the workplace? I work in the definition of corporate America and find tattoos to be far and wide (as much as I can see). I have ran into a few people with visible work but usually they "get away with it" due to insane skill at their job. I once met an administrator with a panther smack across his throat!

    I understand from many conversations I've had with the people I work with that tattoos are considered "bad" or "poor decisions", and I usually defend the nameless tattooed people that are commented on while in such a conversation. This being said, I will not stop my dream of being covered, (to hell what they say!). I can do my job regardless with what my body looks like. I just am waiting for the day when someone makes a comment such as mentioned before and I can just lift a pant leg or roll a sleeve up and say..."so, am I a 'bad person' as well?"

    Hi guys! I'm looking for some friendly advice about a white ink tattoo I got a few months ago. I wanted to go with white because of possible jobs in the future. It's on my wrist so I didn't want it to be very visible. In the last month the ink has turned a dirty looking color and I want to get it fixed. I talked to an artist and he said redoing the white may not make the dirty looking color go away. He told me I could go with a light blue or link to cover it up. Does anyone out there have a light blue or pink tattoo on their wrist? And is it very noticeable? I don't want it to be so noticeable that I can't get a job with it. Any ideas or advice would b much appreciated! :)

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