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Posts posted by nnavarro

  1. Hi Everyone,

    A quick question about healing and flying (longer flights I mean).

    I am soon getting a plam sized tattoo on my upper arm and learned recently that two days later I'll have to take the plane for a long flight (12h).

    My experience with healing things that size is pretty fine. Actually, for something the same size, I had to take the plane the next day once, and it was ok (but the flight was only 2h though).

    I was wondering, would such a longer flight, be bad for a 48 hour old tattoo? Would that mess-up my healing process? Maybe the piece (to a certain extent)?

    Anyone ever had any experience with long flights with fresh tattoos?

    Super thanks for your help and advice.

  2. Hi,

    Super thanks for sharing your experience.

    So the 15h hours flight went pretty well with such a big piece?

    How did the sweling go?

    I will be getting a palm sized piece on my arm and two days later need to fly 12h for work.

    Was a little scared it could mess up with the healing.

    I know everyone reacts differently, but how did it go for you on subsequent days?

    Thanks for the sharing!


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