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Posts posted by Tkhe

  1. Wow, thank you for all of the recommendations! A lot of that work looks pretty clean, so I will be dropping by all the ones that are close enough (Las Palmas would be a bit of a trek sadly). And yeah, Barcelona is just gorgeous - so I'm looking forward to this move in so many ways! Will be sure to update everyone on what I get as a "welcome" piece. On a related note, does anyone know of any tattoo artists in Barcelona that might do more abstract pieces? Perhaps something similar to Petra Hlavackova or Ondrash?

  2. Hello LST!

    Been lurking and reading for a short while, and figured perhaps I would do a 'hello' thread. I'm a newbie to all of this, and reading here has been great preparation so far. I am moving to Barcelona Spain soon, and was curious if anyone had any recommendations for any artists out there?

    In any case, hello forum, and thank to everyone for sharing tips, experiences, and pictures of the art you carry with you!

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