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Posts posted by michief

  1. Hello everyone! My name is Cameron. I spent most of my life living in the United Arab Emirates, but now reside in Oahu, Hawaii, where I go to school. I have been very interested in tattooing for almost two years, but have waited until recently to get my first because I wanted to reflect deeply on my decision. About two months ago I received my first piece of body art, and I would like to say that I am overall happy with the outcome. I was informed by my artist that I should come in somewhere around the two month mark after getting my tattoo done, so that he can inspect it and also so that I can voice any concerns. I was looking for a little advice before I go in, so that I know exactly what I might want to change or add, or if I should just be happy with what I have. My tattoo is a symbol called Faravahar. It is a very old zoroastrian/persian symbol that is viewed both religiously and as a cultural symbol (depending on your perspective). "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds" is what it represents. Just some fun facts for those who actually care :). Attached below are pictures of my tattoo along with some concerns I have. I would appreciate any advice or opinions, no matter how harsh it may be!

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    1. The circle in the middle seems to be a little crooked in the bottom right side. Is there anyway this can be corrected?

    2. The right side of the wing also seems to have a darker and more bold shading of black. Would it be advisable to get the left side darkened a little more?

    thanks so much!

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