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Posts posted by misswendy

  1. Hi all: I probably would have asked you this offline so I may as well ask here instead...

    For the FB connect feature - does this mean that my personal information (full name, fb default photo, etc) will be available for other users to view or is FB connect simply an easier way to join the community w/o going through the full registration process?

  2. In Sacramento in the early 80s there was a shop ran by an old timey sailor type in an alley off of Broadway. When I was growing up this was the only shop in the midtown area that I can remember. Anyone remember the name or the old crusty guy that ran it? If memory serves it was there since the 60s or 70s.

  3. I am always, always happy to hear when animals fight back. I just think it restores some tiny drop of balance to things. When I worked at the big cat sanctuary we had a Tiger named Cesar who led a Tiger revolt and killed the owner of the circus he was in. Owner's kid didn't put him down because he knew his dad was a dick and beat the cats. I always slipped Cesar extra food. He was always looking for ways to attack all us keepers. I say keep fighting the good fight, Cesar. Keep fighting brother cat.

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