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Posts posted by zeke

  1. If you're happy with working in digital and traditional art mediums, good for you buddy. If people like your stuff, then that's great - but there will always be room for improvement with every piece of art you do, and while tattooing is no different, it is a completely different ball-game. I suggest that you do your research on the industry, travel around to different studios and get tattooed by highly reputable artists (yeah, you will have to travel, but this is small price to pay for a beautiful piece of art that will be on your skin forever). Collect a few tattoos and talk to artists about your own artwork, ask for their criticism or advice - if they like your personality and work, they MIGHT just give you a shot...just be prepared to work for it (and I mean SERIOUSLY work for it). Be yourself, be humble and remain open-minded and ready to learn. BECOME AND REMAIN TEACHABLE.

    Tattooing is serious business - either go for it 100%, or leave it to the professionals. Just my two cents...

    Well damn thanks for that I will see how it goes. Thank you all too.

  2. Alright gonna look into that later. I KNOW I SEEM LIKE A RETARD cus of the pig skin question etc just understand I don't know about all the tattoo stuff as most of you do so IM SORRY if I said something wrong or something and I appreaciate the support from some of yousss.

  3. Hey, I'm Zeke I live in Serbia and I'm still in high school(12th grade). I been drawing since I was a kid and now I do a lot of digital art and sometimes animations. Sometimes, people told me that I should draw tattoos(probably because I draw a lot of tattooed people haha), I didn't think much of it because I always get compliments but I never fully accept them so it wont go to my head(still feels nice that people like my stuff but still), so I had been thinking about it quite often, I don't fully imagine myself doing tattoos for a living but it's surely one of the options that I'd love to take(alongside other options like making cartoons or drawing comics or something) orr I'd just tattoo for fun. I wanted to get a tattoo for myself and once I found out about the price of em I was a lil mixed(I bought lots of stuff for my summer days pay and I had to buy some extra stuff so I was low on funds) so I decided to get a tattoo machine instead. I found out more about it and didn't want to get infected or anything so I decided to look into it, as I STILL didn't find some information about tattooing on the web or maybe I didn't know how to look for it(can I wash and sterilize the tip and tattoo myself without infection after I used it on some piggy skin)I got myself here, sooo hi all!

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