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Posts posted by Lathena

  1. I love showing off my tattoos. Both of my arms are sleeved, my back is done, and I have several on my legs. I do keep mine covered up while I am at work for the most part. I do work in the medical field but I often roll up my sleeves when working on a patient. I always get positive feedback. I do cover up my tattoos when I go on interviews or have business meetings. My boss knows I'm covered and has no issue with it. I wish I could show my tattoos all the time but I realize they are considered unprofessional to some business people. Tattoos are beautiful!

  2. A lot of factors could contribute to the scabbing. How often were you washing it and with what kind of soap? You also have to remember that a tattoo is an open wound and should be treated as so. I am covered in tattoos and I've only had one scab over and lose ink. Here is my routine...I was my tattoo with antibacterial, non-scented, soap. I use Aquafor for the first 3 days. Not a lot at a time but enough to keep the tattoo from being dry. After those three days I move to Jergens Ultra Healing (non scented) lotion for the remainder of the healing period.

    Also, some colors are harder to keep in the skin than others. Hope this helps! :)

  3. Hello everyone! I am very excitement to be a part of this community! I have too many tattoos to count. My husband is a tattoo artist and I am a collector! I enjoy sharing ideas and stories regarding tattoos and experiences. :)

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