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Posts posted by Viggo

  1. Hello everybody, Viggo here. Greetings from Greater Cleveland! Nice to be here.

    Every time I have big changes in my life I like to get a tattoo to commemorate & remember the events. I recently finished my bachelors degree (only 10 years late), moved across the country, and started a new career, so it's time for a new tattoo. I'd like the "Finished my Bachelors" tattoo to fix the one I got when I started...

    Pic related:

    (Apologies for poor quality)

    It was put on by little more than a scratcher in a tattoo shop in College-Town, IA. These are the constellations of my family's Zodiac signs, done in shitty black stars that aren't even consistent with each other.

    I've been a huge fan of astrophotography since they launched Hubble when I was a boy, so I was thinking that the best way to fix this shitty tattoo is with a galaxy back piece which subtly incorporates my family's Zodiac signs & NASA photography...

    Questions? Concerns? Scathing indictments?

    Anybody know of any artists good with outer space within 3-4 hours of Cleveland?

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