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Jo Ellen Holder

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Posts posted by Jo Ellen Holder

  1. I've got so many ideas ahh

    the back piece I want done is inspired by a scene in HP, but i want to finish off my arm before I move on anywhere and also my back is really sensitive (i used to flinch involuntairly when my ex would lightly tickle my back) so i'm kind of not looking forward to starting it but I want to.

    In Amsterdam i've read they have a walk in day on a saturday where you just pick from flash they drew up that week so i'm just gonna bob in on the saturday i'm there and see if there's something I like.

    I've got about 20 ideas atm but a lot of them I don't feel comfortable sharing till i've had them done and other's i'm not really sure on.

    However I am planning on getting a tattoo of a laser gun, a tardis, lipstick/makeup, giraffe, my dog xena's face in a chakram bc she is a beautiful warrior princess and don't you tell me otherwise.

  2. Lovely tattoo!

    So nice to see if someone goes big for their first tattoo :)

    Aww thank you, I was originally going to get a smaller piece but i took advantage of a cancellation appointment with Antony who's work i've admired for like 2/3 years now.

    Told him I wanted a cat and some roses and I got that, it took two sittings overall to do. One for lines and black and the other for the colour but super happy with how it turned out.

  3. I love bees and moths.

    And cows.

    Bees and moths terrify me

    like I will full on run to the other side of the country if I see one in my flat. They give me the heebie jeebies as my nan says.

    Glad they have people that like them though :D every animals deserves to be loved and what not

  4. My friends had convinced me to go out, I wasn't up to it because I had a busy evening the next day and an essay to do but i'm easy enough to persuade so I found myself in corp (club in sheffield).

    Now corp isn't really a place you need to predrink for because blue pints will have you off your face after about 3/4 drinks (and they're like £2.40 a pop before midnight), however I'd had like a glass of peach schnapps/lemonade before i'd come out

    anyway we got in around half 12/1 and I'd got my drink, had drunk about 1/2 and was just waiting for a friend to come back from getting his second. I'll add now i drink incredibly slowly too. ANyway I was st down and decided to open instagram, I was scrolling through and I notice that Antony had posted he had a cancellation the same day at 12pm (it was now like about 20 to 2)

    so me being hyped up and tipsy not drunk) enough to think that getting to London for 12 on no sleep was a fantastic idea, emailed to see if anyone had taken the cancellation.

    To my surprise they hadn't, so i sent over 1/2 ideas, he was like "i can do the cat". So I told my friend when he got back that I needed to go because tattoo but i'd stay and finish my drink.

    Luckily I didn't need to because someone knocked it into me as i was walking into another room.

    So yeah my friend found his other friends and I went home and proceeded to drink an insane ammout of water because I know that you're not meant t drink before getting tattoo'd so I assumed if I drank enough it'd flush the small ammount alcohol out of my system or help at least.

    Anyway got to london on no sleep or food (10/10 would not recommened) and had the linework and black shading done and then came back a month later to get the colour added

    the second sessions I was more prepared and stayed at a friends in London but I was too excited about having it finished so I didn't sleep that time either and even though I ate, 3 bag of crisps are apparently not a substantial meal and i've learnt from my 2nd one that eating a shit ton of pasta beforehand really helps with the pain.

  5. I was meant to be having an interview for a job (i jumped in on a cancellation and missed the interview...oops) and my mum texted me asking how the interview went and i replied with

    "it didn't"

    and she was like "what do you mean, didn't you go, why didn't you go"

    and i sent her this picture and then she told me off for missing the interview but said she wanted a picture once it was done

    as for my dad I tld him after and he was like "i'm not into them myself but it's your body,you can cover it with tattoos for all i care"

  6. So yeah i'm not great at introductions but much better online than I am in person

    my names Jo :)

    i'm 22 and I got my 1st tattoo last november/december time

    and my 2nd in January

    1st Tattoo:

    Just after it was finished - https://www.instagram.com/p/_cxpObJiQr/

    All healed up - https://www.instagram.com/p/BAaMUlqJiVe/

    it wraps a bit on both sides so it's hard to get a photo but you get the gist

    2nd tattoo:

    Just after it was finished: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAxQatPOFF5/

    mostly healed (video): https://www.instagram.com/p/BBckockJiab/

    I'm hoping to get something done by Jef Small when I'm in Amsterdam in May and i'm currently emailing a local artist about having something done at the end of June.

    Unreleated to tattoos i'm a "mature" student who's doing history at un, my dream job would be to open a cow sanctuary because cows are great but i'd also like to travel too.

    I also really like pizza and most other animals except bees and moths they can fuck off.

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