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Posts posted by openupyourskull

  1. Hiya - long-term lurker with another "is this normal?" question, haha. I've been using Tegaderm to heal my pieces for over a year now, including a couple pretty large ones, with no issues. I started my second A4-size thigh piece on Friday and have had the Tegaderm on for about 48 hours now (I wait roughly 24 hours after being tattooed to apply it so there isn't a giant buildup of gunk and plasma) and woke up this morning with about 8-10 small green dots throughout the piece that are slightly raised and have a tiny amount of redness around them.

    They don't hurt anymore than the rest of the tattoo and don't feel warm to the touch, but should I be taking the Tegaderm off just in case? I'm diabetic and use Tegaderm to reduce the chance of infection while healing, and up until now it has worked perfectly in that regard, but if something icky is brewing underneath then obviously I don't want to trap that. This is the first time I've been tattooed in summer heat, so I wonder if this has something to do with excess sweating that doesn't happen to me in other parts of the year. FWIW, the pimples are only directly on the lines, nothing on open skin. (The yellow bruising is completely normal for me, I always bruise like a peach!)





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