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Everything posted by tomasdrayton

  1. Oh, and in the spirit of the forum, here is the most recent painting I did. I tried using F/W acrylic black ink for the first time, with dr ph martins radiant watercolours and a waterpen for spit-shading. The acrylic ink is so much easier to get a smooth and short blend, but the watercolour seems to dry over it much more visibly than india ink, so I wouldn't use it again unless it was a black only painting, but then i'd use the ph martin's black to get the blue hue! Earlier in this forum some people said they got past this by re-lining again at the end, but as it took me well over an hour to line all this with a dip pen, i'm definitely not going to make a habit out of that! Just bought a pot of dr ph martins HI-CARB india ink to try instead. I have started mixing greens with a drop of white acrylic to good effect after seeing a famous italian traditional tattooer mix his pigment this way. Thanks! (and please follow my instagram/wordpress page above!)
  2. Hi Everyone. This thread of the forum has been so useful, I've been coming back to it again and again over the last year or so. I've just set up a blog for doing interviews with (mostly traditional tattoo) painters about their technique and tips, design choices and other stuff about tattoo history - I thought it might be of interest to someone reading this thread! https://flashruleseverythingaroundme.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/flashruleseverythingaroundme/ Thanks!
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