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Posts posted by ColoradoChic

  1. YES I AM BACK! A lot of you have given me some awesome feedback and I have emailed my tattoo artist and asked her if there was any way I could add to it. Maybe if I add to it I won't feel so insecure about it I mean it is going to be on my body for the rest of my life and I want to be happy with it. I was thinking I could possibly turn it into a sunflower? I don't even know... Or if I could just keep the mountain and add to the parts of it and make it look less boring. Please give me your honest opinions thank you! 


  2. I know this isn't a therapy forum or anything and maybe I'm being really paranoid but is it normal to have tattoo regret as soon as you get your tattoo? It's been three days and I still feel off and when I first got it I stared at it and felt like it looked crooked because of where I placed it on my bicep. I don't know if I'm feeling regret or if I had high expectations when I got the tattoo and I didn't meet them? I know a lot of you are not newbies like me and know more about tattoos and the 'coming to terms' with a tattoo (This is my first tattoo) 

  3. 4 hours ago, Devious6 said:

    Welcome to the forum!! Like everyone else, I agree that yours looks fine. You'll get lots of great advice here - many very experienced people and some of us relative newbies, too. 

    Thanks, I was just worried it looks bad and I don't want to feel like "I should have learned my lesson" because it makes me feel worse about it. I'm glad I got some good feedback it just bothers me that it looks crooked in some positions.

  4. 7 hours ago, Gingerninja said:

    I think that it's fine. Do you know how to take care of a fresh tattoo? Make sure to follow your aftercare instructions. :)


    7 hours ago, Gingerninja said:

    I think that it's fine. Do you know how to take care of a fresh tattoo? Make sure to follow your aftercare instructions. :)


    14 hours ago, zetroc said:

    Hi, welcome. That's part of the nature of tattoos - they look one way when put on, but as the body moves, the image changes. Not to worry though, it'll always straighten back out. 


    14 hours ago, zetroc said:

    Hi, welcome. That's part of the nature of tattoos - they look one way when put on, but as the body moves, the image changes. Not to worry though, it'll always straighten back out. 

    Thank you I'm glad to join! And thanks for the feedback I was feeling kinda scared and paranoid about it and felt like it was croooked

  5. Okay so I got a tattoo yesterday of mountains vertical on my bicep and when I twist my arm my mountains look crooked. I'm not sure if this is a thing that happens with everyone in tattoos in this area or if it's just me and it's crooked? First pic is when it's not bent and the second is bent



  6. Okay so I got a tattoo yesterday of mountains vertical on my bicep and when I twist my arm my mountains look crooked. I'm not sure if this is a thing that happens with everyone in tattoos in this area or if it's just me and it's crooked? First pic is when it's not bent and the second is bent



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