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Posts posted by Mihnzek

  1. I have a question about a recent tattoo I got around my elbow (finishing a half sleeve into a 3/4 sleeve).

    It was done by a very good and reputable artist and is in greyscale only. The first two weeks it was fine, other than the immediate elbow swelling heat and pain of course that lasted about 2-3 days.

     Once two weeks hit, all the outline work started to raise and go bumpy with some redness. The areas that were tattooed themselves were on and off warm when irritated from bending, rubbing and what not. I messaged the artist who told me they have never had anyone with issues ever before, and that if I was concerned I should go to my doctor.

    I ordered "hustle butter" and tried that and no change. I finally went to my doctor who said it didn't look infected at all but maybe a reaction (2 weeks after is weird to me). She gave me a steroid cream and it doesn't really seem to be doing anything. It's been one month since I got the tattoo, and I have never had any issues with all my other tattoos. I messaged the artist again just asking if they could have a look at it and maybe give me their opinion or advice and they told me they were too busy, so I am not sure what to do?


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