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Everything posted by Carmelita

  1. Yes it is. And yes the mind seriously goes weird. I assume you once made a similar experience?
  2. I won't get the rest of my back done but I thought about about having the tattoo on my right arm covered up with something "soft" in order to get some good balance to the whole picture. That was the original idea anyway. I'm feeling a little calmer and I hope it's getting better. It is good to know that my decision doesn't seem to be a huge mistake and that hopefully for now it's just my mind being weird.
  3. Thanks for the words. It helps. And I still think it's a unique tattoo. I just really don't like this feeling and what it does to me. I just hope my mind and body will accept it as part of me. I want to feel great when it will become "visible" now in summer....
  4. Hi there. So one thing happend which I thought will never happen. After waiting for more than 15 years I finally had a big back piece done about a month ago. I've had 2 smaller ones before and I just had a beautiful cover up of one of those just recently and I absolutely love it. I chose the design carefully and it represents a lot to me from where it comes from and it's a style I really like. However, now that I have it I currently think it's the worst thing I've done. It's not the artists fault, it's my fault as I chose the design. Now it's on my back and it's big and with black dense color, so the chances to get it removed are probably not very big and if so it will be a very long and painful journey. I can't really focus on things and get panic attacks, I can't really sleep and I'm just nervous all the time. Now I think my kids will be embarrassed of me one day and that other people think I'm ridiculous to have done something like this. I am now in panic that me and my body will age and I will regret it very much. This doesn't sound like me at all. I'm usually very confident and I usually don't care what others think of me and I'm usually trying to live my life and have a very positive attitude about it. My husband loves it, my friends tell me it's very me and that it's beautiful, sexy and bolt. I have a few moments I like it but then the panic and anxiety starts again and I think all people around me have nice bare skin. I hope it will grow on me as I do like the design and I would love seeing it on somebody else. So what is happening in my mind? Is it that it's so big, so black? Is it that I changed my body and it will look different to me now as well as to others? It's really hard dealing with those messed up feelings right now. I love tattoos, I love tattooed people. Is there anyone who had the same feelings and started to actually love their tattoo? I set up a meeting for laser removal. I know I should own that tattoo and have the right attitude about it but I'm seriously struggling with it. Any help and uplifting words are very appreciated
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