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Posts posted by elly318

  1. 10 minutes ago, Aahzz said:

    I'm curious to hear you issues with this piece.  

    So swelling has gone down and redness and it's now starting to flake and look like a normal tattoo. Do you guys think the artist overworked it? I've had five or six previous sessions with him and they went and healed fine!

  2. 9 minutes ago, Oiocha said:

    Not mistreating it is the best course of action so take a peek in the aftercare section of the forum and try to remain calm.

    I've spent the whole day today doing very little with my arm, washing regular with savlon and warm water, anything else you think I should do?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Oiocha said:

    First order of business is going to the section that talks all about this and you can probably find it there. In the mean time keep the area clean and dont wait and go to the doctor because the white pimples sound like a Staph infection @elly318

    I'm new here haven't used this before so I'll find the thread, I'm in Ireland it's a bank holiday weekend so there is no doctors till Tuesday only emergency rooms in the hospital, I was fearing a staph infection I'm fuckin terrified I hope it's not

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