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Posts posted by mad6

  1. I think I'm going to try and find a good moisturizer with SPF in it. My new piece is on my inner forearm and its a watercolour piece. I know inner forearm isn't a super exposed spot but since it is watercolour I want to try and keep it as vibrant as possible for as long as possible. 

  2. Hey guys, just wondering if anyone is applying a small amount of ointment on the tattoo before putting saniderm on for the 2nd application (12-24 hours after tattoo session)? This will be my first time using saniderm for a tatoo and I was going to come home and take off the bandage the shop puts on after their recommended time, clean the tattoo, apply a very small amount of tattoo gloo salve and then apply the saniderm for 5 days. 

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