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Posts posted by Tribaldude


    9 hours ago, oboogie said:

    Cleaning it lightly is fine. It looks like a healing tattoo. Apart from gently washing it a couple of times a day with Dial Gold (what I have always used on tattoos), just let it heal. You'll be fine.

    I guess I was just a bit worried as I don't remember any of my other Tattoos healed this way. Feeling the bumpiness especially after all the peeling got me concerned I guess.

    19 hours ago, Syntheticfish said:

    Stop using lotion.

    Within 48 hours you should notice a difference.

    lotion should be used as sparingly as possible, and it is usually the cause of people's worry.

    Too much lotion can breed bacteria.

    Let it dry out.

    Itching is normal.  Itch next to it, or tap it... don't itch it directly.

    If the issue worsens, go to see your doctor for anti-biotics.

    As for it being raised... leave it alone and look at it again after 3 weeks.

    If it is still raised after the scab has gone, use cocoa butter daily for a few weeks.

    Don't over-wash the tattoo... you don't have to stop using soap... keep it clean like you would normally.  If you get sweaty, take a shower, if you get dirt or mud on it... wash it.  Don't rub it in dog poo ect...


    I am dry healing it now. Perhaps it was me over moisturizing it but I didn't expect for it to become raised and itchy like it did. 


  2. 4 hours ago, oboogie said:

    Just stop futzing with it and let it heal. Dry heal is the way to go.

    Sorry I missed your response. 

    So I guess it looks normal in your eyes? If you do have an indication of what it could be would you have any ideas how long it'll take to simmer down? 

    I am now letting it dry heal other than cleaning it with unscented soap and water twice a day or should I completely stop using soap as well? 

  3. It's been a while since I have gotten tattooed. Probably over a decade now but I recently got a tattoo on my forearm 2 weeks ago. I now have bumps all around my tattoo and they started appearing a week and a half after the session and after 95 percent of my tattoo peeled. I used Saniderm for the first 5 days then switched to Lubiderm fragrance free since. The bumps are most noticeable on the outline since the shading is in black but there are bumps on the shading as well. Its pretty itchy but I haven't picked or scratched them yet.

    I attached a photo and I circled in yellow what they look like. They are all over my tattoo. Despite not being able to see them at certain angles I can definitely feel them. Anyone experience this before? No puss is coming out but they are itchy as hell....

    My first thought was maybe it was due to me over moisturizing with lotion? I applied lotion 3 times a day, each time after washing, patting dry and finally letting it completely air dry. I am now letting it completely "dry" heal as I don't know what else to do.

    In the last 2 photos you can it's raised on the outline but the shading is also raised it's just easier to see it on outline








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