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Posts posted by inkedprincess14

  1. I knew that would be the response immediately after I posted the photo, as there is a fair amount of redness... theres far more photos that suggest otherwise in different cases. 
    I cant necessarily say I’m as dismissive of the laser working. There is A LOT of stuff that is suggesting otherwise. I feel no matter what I put on this thread in regards to lasering, your guys minds are made up in regards to that topic and thats completely fine. 

    but as I keep saying, I’m also exploring covering with another tattoo or more tattoos around it. Ive already got a tattoo plan. 


    I appreciate the opinions and advice regardless, as stated previously, I am hoping to update with my proper outcome in several months. 

    Chances are I will just have more tattoos because can I be arsed to even try a laser with the cost of it? Possibly not. 




  2. Found this which was quite reassuring, an instance where a laser has successfully helped. 

    Also this was fairly informative. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/47728232_Blue_Foot_A_Second_Case_of_Tattoo_Blow-out_Pigment_Spread_Successfully_Treated_With_the_QS-NdYAG_Laser

    Ive found things saying it will help, things saying it wont. Truly there is only one way to find out

    like I said, ill just have it tattooed by someone else if not. Its still nothing I dont feel can be resolved one way or another. 

    oh no;) an excuse for more tattoos


    id like to keep this updated though as maybe someone else will have the same problem as me and be desperately looking for answers. 

    ill keep everyone posted with what works and what doesnt. 

  3. Hey guys! Thank you for the replies. I agree, I wasn't sure this was something that could be “fixed” and understandably I have no intention of letting her tattoo around it given this has happened. I can already see the attempted fix just having the same issue and becoming worse and worse and worse. 

    i was planning on just leaving it and eventually just having more tattoos on my arm, around the halo area by another artist. I think its so prominent as its one of only two tattoos on that arm currently. 

    I also spoke to another friend who owns a shop and has been tattooing for 20+ years and it was suggested if it doesnt go away after several months, a few laser sessions around it and then potentially another tattoo around that one would help. 

    like I said, think half the issue for me is the fact its the only one on my inner arm, dont think ill care as much once I have a sleeve. One she did on my leg has kinda done the same but you cant notice it as much. 

    its a shame! Truly but shit happens, could always be worse.... could have a wang eyed tiger across my chest I suppose

  4. That is an EXTREMELY lovely tattoo.... do you know what I have learnt throughout my 23 tattoos to date? Your expectations in your head is what ruins it sometimes. I have hated pieces purely because they didnt turn out the way I wanted. The one piece on my leg I hated so much because of my expectations, is the one i get the most compliments on. 

    your tattoo is sick! I’m jealous. 

  5. Hey guys! 

    I decided to make an account on here to post to see if I could also get some of your wonderful advice, I've seen a lot of really helpful stuff on here so hoped I could get the same potentially. 
    I have a fair few tattoos, slowly making my way to being inked head to toe, ive had minor blow outs, lines going a lil fuzzy and things! Nothing really major enough to bother me. However I got this tattoo a month ago by the same tattooist I go to frequently, I will say, I have had a TINY amount of halo on my last two tattoos by her but its always gone away or been so minor, its never bothered me. 

    but in regards to the one on my inner arm, its really triggering my ocd, its hard to photo and doesnt look too bad from my perspective, but in the mirror and from a distant it looks super bruised! 
    i have never had a blue halo effect this far from a tattoo before

    They offered to fix it but to be quite honest, I am super hesitant to add anymore to it or “try” fix it incase it happens again and worse. 

    I was going to leave it until its PROPERLY healed, so around 4-6 months to see if it goes away, what are your guys experiences with things like this? I know everyones different but is there a good chance in time this will fade

    As I think if it doesnt get any better I may explore tattooing just around the edges or covering it. 

    I look forward to picking your brains 😛






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