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  1. Wood

    Hello there

    Very true, it's a fun learning curve even if it does get frustrating at times. That thread is really helpful. It pointed me in the direction of the PH Martins, which I'm sure will improve my painting now I've worked out how to actually use them. Yep, have a few. Try to get tattooed as often as I can scrape the money together, which definitely isn't as often as I'd like
  2. I've been trying to get to grips with painting flash for the last couple of months. Finally got a handle on blending the blacks smoothly but some reason the colour seems to be coming out patchy, especially when trying to paint solid flat areas. I'm using the Dr PH Martin's liquid watercolours and Winsor & Newton cold-pressed 300gsm paper. Figure it's maybe something to do with the quality of the paper? If anybody's got any tips I'd really appreciate it. Just ruined a sheet I'd been labouring over for a week. EDIT: Never mind, I'm an idiot. First time using those liquid watercolours, didn't realise the pigment settles in the bottom of the jar. Learnt that one the hard way.
  3. Wood

    Hello there

    I'm a long time lurker, first time poster. Got a lot of respect for this site, particularly enjoy all the interviews. Currently trying my hand at painting flash. Developed a knack for stockpiling large amounts of error-ridden watercolour paper.
  4. Wood


    Been a bit of a lurker here for quite some time, so thought I'd do the decent thing and make a profile. Only started getting tattooed in the last year or so but I've become pretty much obsessed. Plan to get as much work as I can scrape together enough pennies for
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