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Everything posted by brinicole27

  1. It’s not bruising tho it’s been 2 1/2. Months and the spots haven’t changed in color or size and don’t hurt and for the brown spots like I said in my post they aren’t photographing well but I showed my artist in person and he said he saw it too and was confused cause he had never seen that happen before. This is no ill will on my artist I love him he is amazing and I don’t think any of this is his fault I think it’s my body just wanted to know if anyone else had similar experiences
  2. Hello, So i do have tattoos on various parts of my body , done by various artists and have never had any issues in the past. I previously had nothing on my arms and decided that I wanted a full sleeve. I had a tattoo artist that I followed on instagram for years that does amazing work and decided to go to him back in September. Now I have no issues with the artist and I absolutely love how my sleeve is turning out but Two things have happened that I have never experienced before. My sleeve is VERY colorful, after he colored in the tail of my mermaid (mermaid spans my entire inner arm) he noticed that I had a random hazy blue spot (it looked like it was under my skin/kinda like a light bruise) in spot directly outside the line of my mermaid. He thought it was weird and tried to wipe it off but it wouldnt come off, so he said lets wait and see if it goes away. After a few weeks I notice two other spots that were like a hazy blue next to the tattoo. The outline and coloring were done in two separate sessions with 2 months between each session. None of the other tattoos on my arm by him have these hazy blue spots surrounding them. I started looking at my other pieces and noticed another strange thing on my unicorn thats located on my upper arm. The background is a bright pink/ tangerine orange and a few random spots have started to darken and have a brown hue to it, This tattoo was completed mid december. Just saw my tattoo artist this weekend for my next session and showed him the two reactions and he said he had no idea what could cause the darkening brown spots on my unicorn and that he heard about the blue hazy spots before but never seen it first hand and says it happens sometimes to people with fair skin. I just want to know if anyone has had these experiences before? Especially the darkening spots that are turning brown. I will be attaching pictures (yes I know my unicorn background is splotchy he plans on going over it again, embarrassingly enough I almost fainted for the first time while being tattooed 6 hours into our session so after I recovered i asked him to just finish the highlights and we would go back for the background later) I need to know what is causing the darkening spots before he goes over the background again incase it makes things worse. So for some reason its not as noticeable in the pics as it is in person which is frustrating
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