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Posts posted by Assau1tedPeanut

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I'm new to tattoos and am looking to get my first ones soon. I'm a 39 year old male, and looking to get my boys names on the side of my hands, one on each hand.

    Is the font example provided look like a more feminine font where people like think it looks funny on me? I think cursive looks great and looked through lots of different examples. I'm just not sure if this skews more towards the girly side than the manly side, or is there kind of a big gray area so to speak?

    I realize a lot of this is personal preference and I should do what I want, but I also don't want to unkowingly do something where others will wonder why man chose that style. I'm hoping someone can shed some knowledge on me, thanks for you help.

    Bigtime Font.jpg

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