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Posts posted by Cor5266

  1. On 11/14/2022 at 10:55 AM, oboogie said:

    DID YOU LOOK AT THE STENCIL? if you can't answer that question, I'll block you and move on.

    yes I looked at the stencil  - and no I am not an artist, I trusted that the layers of lines was what we discussed.  

    NOW can YOU answer the question.   or are you just going to keep blaming me?

  2. On 11/8/2022 at 10:50 AM, oboogie said:

    So you don't want help? Got it. You are making yourself look very foolish. We can just block you and not help you if that's what you prefer.

    You still didn't answer me. Did you look at the stencil?

    first HOW is it I'm making my self "foolihs"?   I asked a question with details which from your reponse DID NOT read!  And, You aren't offering help! you are saying that it is the fault of the guy who has ONE tattoo for trusting the guy who tattoos every single day for more than a decade AFTER

    as you say - should have and DID research and there was a clear discussion on what the tattoo was supposed to be.

    I' didnt think it was such a complicated question to answer, but apperantly it is! 

    Hogrider   only one being a A hole here is the guy who OBVIOUSLY did not read the post where it CLEARLY states that research was done, discussions both in writing and phone were done about what the tattoo was supposed to be!! 

    do you want me to cut and past the original again!!??

    and blaming the newbie instead of giving an honest and direct answer to a question!   Oh and while you are at it please try and explain how it is that I am trying to stay ignorant when I asked a simple and direct question? 

    Lets pretend it's you  -  your user name is Hogrider -  assume that refers to harleys,  
    You love them!   And you go to a tattoo shop and after looking at the tattoo artists work of other harley tattoos, texting him back and forth and talking to him on the phone   

    You agree that you want a 1939 knucklehead.    tell the guy since he is the tattoo artist he has freedom to pick pose and color so that it looks the best.  He shows you a stencil - which even (what ever you think of the show and the artist ect YOU HAVE TO ADMIT are) people who tattoo for a living EVERY DAY and see often multiple times a day have a hard time with interpreting sometime 

    after sitting for 12 hours  you turn around and find that you GOT A REALLY REALLY COOL 2008 Suziki hayabusa.  

    What responsibility does the tattoo artist have?  would you tell you to just "remain ignorant"

  3. 10 hours ago, Hogrider said:

    If something this ridiculous happened, then you didn't research your artist very well and that's on YOU. This is why you don't just walk into the first shop you see, grab the first person you see there with a tattoo machine and yell "INK ME!!!!"

    If you do your homework, that would NEVER happen.

    wow cupcake you SURE ARE making a WHOLE LOT OF ASSUMPTIONS there aren't you AND suffer from reading comprehension as well!?
    lierallay from my first post - YO U KNOW the part you seemed to have SKIPPED!!!!!

    "talked and texted before you went, sent references of your own and pics of similar kind of work the artist did. "

    10 hours ago, Hogrider said:

    If something this ridiculous happened, then you didn't research your artist very well and that's on YOU. This is why you don't just walk into the first shop you see, grab the first person you see there with a tattoo machine and yell "INK ME!!!!"

    If you do your homework, that would NEVER happen.

    OH and HOW the FOOG would "research" even prevent this from happening in your delusional world?  Please enlighten how one "researches" the prevention of asking for a corvette and the guy deciding to tattoo not a bad corvette but a pinto?   

  4. so I'm new here and I am not sure why I cant start a new thread but this is pretty much down the line of what I was going to ask, BUT far worse.

    what if you went to your tattoo artist ( this is just an example, but on point) talked and texted before you went, sent references of your own and pics of similar kind of work the artist did. 
     Say you wanted a picture of Gandolf from lord of the rings and said yea give you artistic freedom to do what will look cool as long as it's Gandolf

    and the guy tattooed an Orc on you!?   

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