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Sarah Jinks Douglas

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Posts posted by Sarah Jinks Douglas

  1. The most painful spot for me so far was on my shin. I have a piece that goes across the front of my lower leg and for a good two inch wide strip, every time it was touched I wanted to fly off the table and break something! My upper back hurt but it was an emotional day, I was tense and didn't feel good so I think that's why.

  2. My next and lucky 14th will be a bird with a treble note as the body and smaller music notes around the wings on my right hip. Going to do it whenever we have a slow night and I'm in the mood for it/dressed for it in the next couple weeks. My artist/mentor and I discussed placing it in a way that it will look awesome with my curves. I'm excited!

  3. I'm Sarah, known at the shop and by alot of my friends as Peeps. I have always been in awe of the art of tattoo. When I was 26 I finally got the nerve in the midst of a nice little quarter life crisis to get my first tattoo. I whined, cried, screamed like a little brat getting the ugliest black heart outlined in pink and dripping 'blood' on my ankle LOL. I didn't give up though and finally met some awesome new friends in the business, a few good artists and I got some more pieces. Most have been much better experiences.

    I decided with the amount of time I was spending at the shop, my appreciation and love for the art and business, and my creativity that being a tattoo artist was something I wanted to do. I haven't felt so 'right' and 'natural' with anything in my life beside mothering my daughter. Like I have finally found a niche, something I DESIRE to do, be around, be associated with. I was offered an apprenticeship a few months ago from my friends at the shop I hung out at. I'm still a ways out from being in skin and do not at all intend on pushing that- I won't touch it til I KNOW I'm ready.

    I hope to make friends, branch out my ideas and knowledge and enjoy an art I adore so much while I'm on this forum!

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