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Dayna Mccuean

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Posts posted by Dayna Mccuean

  1. and the girl who did my tattoo did a great job. Just look weird because of how old and faded my RB tattoo is..gonna look good when its all done and re colored.

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    I was messing with the clone tool on a photo editing website...and I came up with that..like I cloned the bottom purple and stars and the cluods

  2. was that done by someone in rochester?


    the RB was done in NC back in 2006

    the bears were done here in beaver pa

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    If you want good tattoos, then you'll probably need to.

    ya because there is not ONE good artist here where I am right? lol

    check out http://crayontattoo.com/

  3. lol I knew this would turn into an ICP convo :( damn clowns lol.

    I am a decent person! My husband is also a juggalo, and a very hard working father, makes wonderful money so I can stay home with my kids! we do not party or use drugs...we dress normal! I do not go to concerts anymore because I am always home with my babies! so yes I am a good person :) not all juggalos are trailer trash ;) we own a really nice house! OWNED :) and my juggalo husband is very successful. He is an IT, but does side jobs, he is like the jack of all trades I swear. He is building a beautiful theater room for our new 1080p HD 3D epson projector. We are not like any other juggalos you know...trust me they get on my nerves! I don't wear their shirts or show my tattoos because I do not want to be bothered by their "whoop whoops" in public haha. Its mostly the young crowed where people get their opinions from...all my friends are the same way as us....

    so now that we got that out the way lol PLEASE :) suggestions...

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    ugh that video makes me mad...the new gatherings are terrible...full of people who just want to sell and use drugs...when the gatherings were in OHIO they were NOTHING like they are now :/ people throwing shit at people..fucking animals!! I did not even know about that documentary...I am on the "family underground" dvd for like 2 seconds lol.

  4. When I was younger and dumb I had a shitty care bear tattoo under there lol so now I'm trying to get it fixed by a pro and make it look right. I got 2 days to come up with something.

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    It's not just on my shoulder, the care bear tattoo is part of the half sleeve, and ill be adding my little pony under the bears.

  5. ok sure! ill post it here...first let me say this!

    I know most of the world dislikes insane clown posse lol I promise you, I am not like the stereotype of the fans! so when I post my photo lets not make this a discussion about music ^_^ just simply need help on what would look good! the new tattoo is a cover up of the care bears the was already under the riddle box tattoo...and its so bright and colorful that it makes my 7 year old tattoo look ultra faded! so I will be getting it re colored, and it needs a filler so it stops looking so weird! and its kind of hard to relate care bears to an ICP tattoo.


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    I am not sure if I should continue the purple up, and put in question marks instead of stars..or use a i different color..OR just do a completely different filler..

    the rest of my arm will be more colorful cartoons! like my little pony, strawberry short cake, and the little mermaid :)

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    also the care bear tattoo itself will be finished off wtih a bit more color, I have to get the bears colored..cant sit and do tattoos for long because I have a 3 month old and a 3 year old! so this will be my 2nd sitting.

  6. Welcome, Dayna! Any questions you've got, the intro thread is a good place to let 'em rip. What kind of advice you looking for?

    I just got a care bear half sleeve, and above it is album art from the riddle box cd. I need advice on the filler for around my older tattoo that is above my new tattoo :) Ill be posting it soon in the advice section :) having issues figuring out how to upload my profile photo!

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    ok well I figured that out! now If I can find the "post new thread" button on the advice forum ^_^

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    why can't I post in the advice forum?

  7. Looking for some tattoo advice! I started a half sleeve a little over 2 weeks ago, and I am going to post a picture asking advice on advice on a tattoo I need re done, and a filler added :D hope to get a lot of good ideas and replys! nice to meet you all!

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