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Lynn Webster Rose

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Posts posted by Lynn Webster Rose

  1. I have had 2 tats done at a local shop...got talked into letting their apprentice do it. Used needles to big and I have blowouts on both. Yeahhhhhh my first 2 cover ups as well!! Seems the apprentice was sleeping with the owner and he was doing what SHE wanted to keep himself "happy"! Those cover ups lead me to Bad Apple here in town and one of the owners fixed me up good! She has been doing all of my tats since.

  2. Bad Apple on Charleston. Done by one of the owners....Jessie. They put out awesome work there. They have had all the same artists for a minimum of 12 years...says a lot about the place and the owners! Cool atmosphere, good music...a TON of focal points! LOL She, (Jessie), also does laser tattoo removal.

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    Can we post links to tattoo places in our local cities? Had a member ask where I got mine and would like to give them the link so they can check out some of their work.

  3. Well, first, let me introduce myself. I am a 45 year old teacher who always dreamed about getting tattoos. Finally realized my dream, with a tattoo of a heart surrounded by a vine and leaves, all the way to my hand. I love it; very feminine yet expresses my vegan believes. Well... People are rude! Staring, frowning... And mainly women! Positives from men ( hubby not happy lol)... But how do you react to people ? Would it be because i am older??? One lady told me at the store i should not do this to the temple God gave me... What the hell is that about???

    I am 53 if it makes you feel any better. Got my first one at 40...working on finishing my full sleeve and 7 other various pieces elsewhere. I have gotten a ton of looks....but more compliments than anyone being rude. I have a rather large memorial poem on my upper arm that everyone stops and wants to read. Being 53 I learned a LONG time ago...MY life, MY way. The people staring and being rude are the ones with problems...probably jealous as they do not have the nerve to get one. Let them stare and smile right back at them!

  4. I *really* want to try this so I asked my tattooer. He said he doesn't recommend something that he hasn't done on one of his own tattoos first, so he doesn't want me to do it because he hasn't tried it. So, he's the boss and I'll follow directions until my back is done, but for anything else, I'm definitely going to give it a try based on what everyone is saying. I would LOVE to go for days without sticking to my work clothes and gunking up stuff.

    Not surprised...I am sure anyone will get that response from their artist if they have never used it. I am my artist's guinea pig. She had only heard about it, but never seen it done or the stages of healing. With my first one I stopped by everyday, (her shop is 2 minutes away from my house), so she could see the stages first hand. I even bought her a package of it on Ebay to use for herself. Greatest stuff ever!! Back tats would require a second person to help put it on as this stuff can be tricky. Sticks to itself worse than saran wrap and you cannot salvage it once it sticks together!

  5. If it makes any of you feel better..NO age is the perfect time to tell your parents!! LOL I was 40 when I got my first of many and I hid it for 6 months!! When I finally got the nerve all my Mom said...it IS your body and you ARE an adult!!! I am the oldest child and only daughter. I think they always had more expectations of me then my 2 brothers so I was always careful not to hurt their feelings and all that, which followed me into my adult life. Now that my sleeve is almost complete and I have 7 others in various places, my Mom just rolls her eyes, although she does comment on how beautiful they are!!! The one perk...once the ink is on...there is no going back so you might as well put it out there and get it over with!!

  6. I am on tattoo # 5 healing with Tagaderm film. I had heard about it from another gal who's artist used it. After listening to her rave about it and what you DID NOT experience using it I thought I would give it a shot. I will NEVER use anything else!!! Love getting the ink, but the itching drives me insane!! The way I was told to use it...after the initial wrap is removed and cleaned....let it air dry completely, then put the film on. Leave it on for 5-6 days..or when the edges start to lift. I soak it off the rest of the way in the shower and it is DONE!! NO ITCHING....NO SCABBING....NO PEELING!! It does do the secondary white flaking peel like you get healed the typical way, but using Mederma lotion often, even reduces that. It's the NO ITCHING that sold me!! Although I am no where near as advanced as some of you I am 2/3 of the way completing my sleeve, (healing 2 more additions to it right now), and 7 other tats on various parts of my body, I am so sold on Tagaderm film!! Ebay you can get a 10 pack of 6in X 8 in individual sheets for $25 with little to no shipping. Easy to cut smaller if needed...(using sterilized scissors and storing it in original sleeve), so you can save any left overs for bigger pieces. Far cheaper then any medical place here in Vegas!!

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    From my experience...different areas weep more than others. I am healing 2 more on my upper arm that are weeping far more then the ones in my lower arm. Upper arm is constantly moving which I think adds to the weep factor. It will stay moist in the tattoo area through out, but my upper arm had a big pocket of fluid this morning. Removed and and cleaned using anti bacterial soap in the shower, and reapplied after air drying again. No weep now, but I am also just sitting at my desk, not using the upper arm much. It comes off totally in 4 more days...2 more healed the Tagaderm way!!

  7. Found this site while I was looking up tattoo aftercare...impressive. I too have been using the new technique of Tagaderm film and after reading some of the posts I know I am on the right path. After using it one time, I will NEVER heal a tattoo any other way!! I am healing 2 new ones right now...making this number 5 that I have healed using the film. Although I am not where near as advanced as some of you, I AM 2/3 of the way done with my "sleeve" on my left arm, along with 7 other pieces on various parts of my anatomy.

    Going to read more posts now....thanks for allowing me to join!!

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