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I've been thinking a lot about values and why people choose to act the way they do. My tentative conclusion is that a lot of humanity doesn't undergo much conscious self-reflection (which leads to accountability if you're being honest with yourself and have a generally positive nature) and subsequently falls pray to suffering the same missteps over and over again. I'm hoping it's this and not that more people are mal-spirited than I already believe them to be. Anyways I realized that without



My favorite past time (and it's not tattooing!)...

DISCLAIMER: I am not a tattoo artist, I'm young, and still have plenty of blank skin left. I do not claim to be the elite know-it-all of tattoo culture (nor have any right to be one,) I'm just throwing my opinion out there for the sake of some good ol' fashioned shit talking. Anyways, now that all that's out of the way... I'm not naming names but I know quite a few of you LST'ers enjoy this great activity. If these things bother me, I can only imagine how much they bother some of you that ha



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