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Posts posted by JoKno

  1. to answer your question more directly, i will use anything for reference! wether it's taking pictures out in the world of things i would like to draw and paint, a thank you card someone got me that has a rose and petals, that use to reference the killer petals that adorn the card. kids books are always a personal favorite, tom & jerry cartoons, the flowers on my girlfriends shampoo bottles, a banner on a salsa bottle. anything! if the image strikes me and i want to use it or build of it somehow, i take it home and put it in my reference pile for later use, and if i can't take it with me, i will take a pic and store it on my computer in my electronic reference pile. basically, i always keep my eyes open for stuff like that, because it's everywhere, and i never know where i'm going to find that next awesome image.

    I have a mental image of just finishing eating some mexican, then trying to sneak out with the salsa bottle from the table. Get caught, then trying to explain that you just wanted the artwork off it. LOL.

  2. I was digging in some older threads and this topic has been mentioned before, but I thought I would restart it with the hope of a little more success. This is not just for the tattoo artist out there. This is to anybody that is looking for ideas for their next tattoo and those that are always looking for inspiration for their own art.

    I have seen everything from the expensive fine art books to children's coloring books in the library of artist. I would like to know what everybody here has and uses as some of their favorites. If it's books, magazines, a specific website, or whatever gets those creative juices flowing.

  3. Sounds like somebody needs a hug. lol. Just kidding. I can see what you're talking about, and I would say it's not a general attitude with most. A lot of the attitude can come from the constantly dealing with people that come into the shop asking about doing this tattoo or that, but never getting anything done. Also dealing with the people that think the local tattoo shop is the local club or lounge to hang out in all night. Since you obviously didn't fit either of those categories I can see your frustration. I would be a little annoyed too. I probably would have wanted to be asked if I wanted something too. If I were the artist and had asked you to wait after I made an appointment I would have done something like that just as a gesture of appreciating your patience. I know some artist personally that have that smug attitude, but I also know many that are super nice and cool to anybody. Some people are just assholes by nature. I hope you have better experiences in the future and don't give up on getting great work.

  4. You're freaking yourself out. More than likely it's just in-grown hairs. If your arm feels hot to touch (compare to other arm) and is swollen and tender, then you are looking at an infection. Scarring is possible depending on technique used, but again chances are no. If the bumps get bigger and painful then you'll need to get the hair out before an infection does set in. Alot of times they grow out on there own, others you may have to pop like a pimple. If you have a friend with good hands and great vision you can even use a very small needle to catch the hair and pull it out. If you do feel that you need to see a doctor, then call a Dermatologist. Ask them how they feel about tattoos before you even go, some of them just wanna tell you nothing more than the tattoo is the problem and it needs to be removed. They're full of crap 99% of the time. Find one that appreciates tattoos.

  5. 1. Dragonfly - Shaman's Harvest

    2. Turn it up - Shaman's Harvest

    3. No Hablo Ingles - Bowling for Soup

    4. That(Such a Thing) - Hurt *This is actually more for the bonus track at the end.

    5. Billionaire - Travie McCoy

    6. Got Jealous - Hurt

    7. Sell Out - Reel Big Fish

    8. Not Afraid - Eminem

    9 My Wena - Bowling for Soup

    10. Pandora - Hurt

  6. This has been discussed a little in some other threads, but I felt it could use one of it's own.

    What are some of the experiences you've had with having tattoos that are open to the world?

    Pros and Cons that you've had with them?

    I knew before I got a full sleeve done that it would draw some attention to me. I didn't expect some reactions though. Complete strangers will sneak up on me and grab my arm to take a look. Kids are the greatest with it, some just don't know how to react and others love to touch and name everything that's on it.

    I work full time as an EMT and get lots of reactions. Most of the time having my tattoos have helped. It's a great destraction for some people. They want to talk about their tattoos and feeling on them and for a few moments they forget that they are sick or hurt. Because most symptoms are worse when anxiety kicks in, this comes in real handy by keeping them relaxed. What's great too is that it doesn't seem to matter the age 1-100.

  7. I'm gonna have to move to CA. They wouldn't touch a concept like that with a ten foot pole over here in SC. Hell, we just barely have tattooing legalized and it's still only about 4 counties that will allow that.

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