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Everything posted by IAS

  1. this has been a constant problem in the area i work for years. Almost ten shops in four years, none lasted longer than 18 months. All have said personal attacks on us, as bad as imaginable(really), none ever true. Not an ethical bone in their bodies. best thing to ever happen to us! we have gained a more receptive and appreciative client base. all the manglers that would come in, have a place to go to get their $20 tattoos without bothering people really interested in having a tattoo and more than willing to pay. for every one person they tattoo, five of their friends come to us after seeing it. every time one closes its doors it more certifies our reputation. it takes younger people (18-21) a while to learn "cheap ain't good", but the good ones come around. I can happily say as well......i have never said a bad word about them to customers, any of them, ever! and people really notice and love it. i just say stuff like "Never heard if them." or "did they just open?". recent occurrence in the area is some are offering to finish tattoos we have started. for free even. but, if anyone goes for that option, i didnt really enjoy them anyways. its happened some and worked itself out in my favor. they dont know how much i really know about all of them and how they work. i have people who keep up with them and i keep tabs. but they always shoot themselves in the foot. it works out beautifully. P.S. f your landlord dude
  2. IAS


  3. IAS


  4. IAS


  5. IAS


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