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Blog Entries posted by shaneenholm

  1. shaneenholm
    for a few years now Scott Sterling and i have been taking these roadtrips to visit older tattooers,and friends...we both have a thing about tattoo history especially the word of mouth stories so we go see people and ask for the real skinny....Erik Inksmith said we kept him up until 4am wondering about some of the questions we had asked him the day before.
    Anyway Scott Sterling and I decided after a few failed attempts previous years to go down and visit Mike Wilson, Angelo ,and Erik and Bev Inksmith and everyone at the inksmith and rogers .Christmas party ......Which was such a great week...the highlight was getting a tigerhead tattoo from Mike and Erik...Mike lined Erik shaded.....anyway......
    On the drive down there we went thru georgia and Scott and I began talking about people that had shops there,nefarious and otherwise...Erik had a shop there screwy louie,fast freddie and Sailor bill killingsworth etc...Now there was a character SAILOR Bill killingsworth...carney....scoundrel....in some peoples eyes I do not know alot about bill but i know a little.
    Sailor Bill worked alot of places... A few i know of are Norfolk Virginia,Columbus Georgia and on the pike. His address on the Pike is 26 chestnut pl. which was leeroy minughs address...(I think they were calling it tattoo headquarters when bill was there)so at some point bill worked there but someone like bill he probably worked anywhere there was a naval or army base or carnival.
    Now throughout the years i have heard lots of great sailor bill stories...most of them involved bad tattoos and guns....or both....
    One story was Zeke Owens was at bills shop and they were having a spat about something and Zeke went in the bathroom closed the door and went #2(for lack of a better description)anywho..a few moments after Zeke sat down a bullet came through the door above Zekes head...the kicker is bill did not know he was going #2...and if Zeke had been standing draining the main vein...well...you get the idea.....
    Now Sailor Bill and Fast Freddie had a tattoo shop war going as they both not only had shops in the same town...(Which Scott and i had heard that they would driveby each others shops and shoot out windows etc..).well we found out not only were they in the same town but they shared a parking lot!!!!!!!! two guys that hate each other chasing the same nickel....
    That was almost as good as hearing about Sailor eddie looking thru binoculars trying to get the designs off his rivals shop walls across the street.....
    Deb Yarian who I see on here maybe able to enlighten us on more stories about Freddie and Bills war...Erik told me deb knew freddie well and i seem to remember Deb asking me if i knew freddie at some point.
    Mike Wilson told me he saw some photos of Bills tattoos...one was a shark...but Mike said it looked more like a sardine/cigarette combo...are ya sure one of my tattoo photos did not slip into bills???
    My favorite Sailor Bill story was a sailor or a customer came in and asked Bill to do a snake and an eagle on him. Bill says no problem,does the tattoo and after he had finished the sailor looks in the mirror and sees that Bill had forgot to put the eagles head on!!!!!!
    I mean I can see forgetting a talon or two...or the tongue or a spot on the snake but to forget the eagles whole head!!!!!????
    So the sailor says "hey bill you forgot the eagles head.....to which Sailor bill replied...."THE SNAKE BIT IT OFF....NOW PAY ME OR FIGHT ME"...............
  2. shaneenholm
    been a while since i blogged...It was a helluva summer,we had l some guests,kandi everett,mike wilson,eric inksmith, and I interviewed Eric,which was an honor,Eric being one of the patriarchs of Inksmith and Rogers, a master colorer,and the guy that groomed Mike Wilson,as we all know Mike has raised the bar professionally and personally in our midst,we could all take a page out of Mikes playbook.
    Erics interview ,in its entirety will be in a future TAM and I think it will be fantastic,Eric has been quiet for too long and he has so much to say....we talked extensively about paul rogers,not just the machine buider but the man and they way he lived his life..Keep yer eyes peeled for it...
    I obtained a bunch of William fowkes stuff...his stamps,(that he use to make his advertisements and that led to an amazing study and discoveries...)It was always thought that Fowkes machines were waters no names that fowkes stamped,but in fact he cast his own,and he cast wagners too...I do not want to give away too much here but Waters bought Fowkes machine shop in 1916 which we always thought otherwise. Thanks Lyle for helping me a little,see the attached print the stamps i obtained made 100 years ago. Lyle sent to me after Fowkes moved from Detroit to Norfolk. It seems waters took fowkes idea of a hand holding a machine and reasons why it is superior...we dated the stamps as 1906-1910 about 6 years before waters..anyway, we are still hammering out the details but what I have found out so far is mind blowing..the stamps are handcarved on copper and lead....I am doing a full article on it elsewhere..but since i love last sparrow i will do a forum article here around the same time.....
    Bob Roberts and i are taking a trip to NYC in October to work at Smith street with bert ,steve,dan and Eli...Bob has not been there in forever and I have not been back there ina decade..it should be fun..traveling with bob always is.I will try and take some pictures but i have never been good about that kind of thing,I did not take any this summer...oh well...hope this enough for a blog..I have been neglecting this...
    here are some photos..of mine and erics work(that bev took)..i lined he shaded...

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  3. shaneenholm
    These are a couple tigers I did this year...the reason I put them up here is because there are less than 32 tigers in the wild right now....no shit....I do not want to live in a world where there are no tigers....I do not want my grandkids to live in a world where there are no tigers...We as a community a professional community always seem to be able to pull things together...I give $ every month to "save the tigers" please you guys paint a tiger and sell it take the $$$ and search for "save the tigers" and donate the site has the letters wwf its tax deductable....I am not a big activist....I have never tried to champion a cause but this to me and hopefully you is important enough....I investigated where to put my meager donation and it seemed the best place...32 aint very many In fact they are saying maybe less than 32!!!!!!! Talk one of your customers into getting a tiger...take your P/c and DONATE!!!!!! If you are a tattoo collector than get a tiger tattooed on you and donate...don't get a tiger and donate...we always seem to come together when we need to help...well lets try to help this...again I have never done anything like this before...I aint trying to jump on some flag flying activist bandwagon...
    Anyway.....what the hell....like I said LESS THAN 32 OF THESE LEFT IN THE WILD......
  4. shaneenholm
    So Scott Sterling and I went on another roadtrip. This time of year it is always to Inksmith and Rogers to stay with the Wilsonian Institute of Tattooing...ah..I mean Mike Wilson. Always a good time. But this trip was especially eye opening because we went to Augusta Georgia to Interview Jennie and Ledann Peace. The legacy of Tex and Ann Peace of Portsmith Va.
    Cap Coleman finished tattooing working for Tex and Ann and Scott and had met Jennie and Ledann last summer at the augusta convention we did with Mike and Angelo last year.
    Jennie has been tattooing since 1971 when Tex broke her in. It is a great story i will tell or rather she will tell in full detail in the interview,but the basics are she showed up to work instead of Ledann one day and asked Tex and Ann to teach her,Tex lined up some stewbums and said "free tattoos" she did 3 of those,then they went to half price,for three more then full price,she did 25 tattoos the first day and that was it...off and running.
    She still tattoos without caps on her machines basically because Tex told her they were useless,she also is a prolific flash painter, mostly colored pencil like Coleman and Paul, but Tex would circle the designs he wanted done out of the back of the Spaulding catalog and Jennie would use a magnifying glass, and they are just beautiful. It was almost like stepping into a time machine back to the early 80s...Really impressive,.......the state of tattooing is beyond tainted when it went from one shop in augusta to over 40 now...So sad...but she is still tattooing although the Peace Family shop closed earlier in the year after 40 years open,she is working at alliance ink now....You would be doing yourself a favor to get a tattoo from her,both Scott and I got one,using two supremes from 30 years ago.
    They had been working off acetates until about 3 years ago,when they went to the green bay convention and got hipped on thermofaxes...With so many kids now trying to be traditional tattooers it gets no more traditional then Jennie Peace.
    I will post some pics later..I am at the shop now and do not have the right cord to download from my phone.
    Of course Inksmith and Rogers are family so the trip they was great as always everyone working there is smokin,please watch for Eric Inksmiths interview in TAM, also Jennie and Ledann Peaces...I also have a great article coming out in Penthouse "The Penthouse Guide to picking a tattooer or how not to be a dummy hanging on the dummy rail"
    I tattooed the editor for penthouse on during my trip to NYC with Bob Roberts in october...they got weak and hired me to write one.

    Shot at 2011-12-24
    Shot at 2011-12-24
    Shot at 2011-12-24
    Shot at 2011-12-24
  5. shaneenholm
    Just wanted to drop a line and let youse know that the Penthouse article is on the newstands. It is in the july/august issue called th 6th annual BADASS issue. I hope everyone likes it,the next ones for penthouse are not tattoo related but indirectly everything in my life has been and is tattoo related.when Bob and I went to NYC last fall i tattooed one of the main editors at penthouse. It is about our history and the media/public , kind of a guide on why you shouldnt believe what you see on TV etc....I would reprint it here but they own it so whaddaya gonna do...
    Also Freddie Negrete s article is out in the new TAM. I have not seen it yet but I have heard it is good. With all the buzz about the black and grey movie coming out I am glad i got the interview done before the shitstorm that film is gonna cause. I am hoping the film will be good,I have had some contact with the directors as someone gave them my number, though i did not do the film( i did not feel like I had anything to contribute more than the people already in it) I did manage to get a someone i felt they had missed that were beyond important in the genesis of that all...I was really surprised they were not in it but THEY ARE NOW...
    Scott and my summer trip has been postponed til august but we are gonna interview "Rattlesnake Johnny" who was a nefarious tattooer for decades..He is now 70 but this guy led a crazy life,do any of you know him??? One quick johnny story he was working at a shop across the street from a friend of mine...he came in the friends shop asked if they had a baseball bat, borrowed it,about 5 minutes later cops were converging on the shop across the street,Johnny is led out in handcuffs, 3 days later he came into my friends shop and returned the bat.I guess someone took a walk in out of turn.
    I dont think TAM will want it,it has been harder and harder for me to get them to realize they are missing out on some great interviews I have done and Scott and I have done together, nonetheless I will tell you guys about the trip when i get back, we usually head south but this time we are Philly bound.
    Anyway sorry i dont have much to write about but i just wanted to stay in touch
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