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Posts posted by irezumi

  1. Not sure if this the right place to do this or not, but I wil do it anyhow. I was wondering if any of you had been tattooed by Higgs. That was one of my big regrets, I would love to have some of his work. I have a couple of friends who have, but there are not a lot of pictures on the internet of his work and I would love to see more of it. One of the shops I go to has a couple sheets of his flash and I think it is pretty awesome.


    I think most people dont post his work online intentionally. Same with Roper. Some things need to be seen in person.

  2. No names need be said to prevent people catching feelings. But most likely any shops or owners mentioned here would not be enlightened enough to know what the words forum or thread are.

    Having worked in nothing but street shops, I have seen/worked around plenty of gnarly shit. But none takes the cake of the first shop I worked at.

    In 99 I got my first job in an armpit of a shop, working the counter for tips and shop experience. I was stoked to have my first foot in the door. This was at a place in College Park MD, right near DC. Owned by a biker whom we will call Sonny, who thankfully was never there. With no exaggeration, he was never out of jail for more than 4 days at a time. Seriously, that was the record while I was there. We had a betting pool each time he was out.

    We had wall-to-wall carpet evrywhere, including the bathroom, which was also where the handwashing sink was also dirty sink/tubescrubbing sink. Basically walking through the lobby & down the hall with dirty tubes everyday. The tattoo area had years of inkspots decorating the carpet.

    On the rare occasions when Sonny would be out of jail, he would sometimes come in at after we all left to tattoo friends. The aftermath of this would be coming in the next day to find a dirty setup on someone's station (using all that persons equip), and for some reason he would leave used needles in the top drawer of your station instead of a sharps. One of the best/worst examples was coming to find that he had used someone's ink & had apparently lost the cap; so plugged the bottle by sticking a used bar into it, needle & all.

    On the days when he was out during the daytime, he would usually come in, take ALL the cash out the till (leaving nothing for change) and hopefully leave ASAP. If he was in jail, he would have his gf/exwife's sister come in randomly clear out every dime, even if bills were overdue & utilies about to get shut off. There were occasions where we had to hide paperwork from him to squirrel the money away to pay the bills to keep the shop open and running. Sadly enough, He was actually better off in jail, where he was in a structured enviroment. With no access to alcohol, which was always related to every arrest, he stayed out of trouble for the most part. Him being locked up actually kept the shop in a somewhat more stable enviroment.

    We all flew the coop eventually and from what I heard, there was a 'mysterious fire' that most likely happened after he made his insurance was paid up.

  3. Is that the one where it is only a few who have made it and you get a samuri bandana if completed? I love spicy tuna as well as tobiko udama...mmmmmmm

    Correct! Only 10 winners plus ManFood dude.

    Not gonna quit til I get my Mr Miyaki headband. Will post pics upon completion.

  4. I have been to the Bushido in Charleston where he did the ten spicy tuna roll challenge and have attempted it myself, knowing full well I would not make it to level 10.

    I got to level 5, and boy was I sweating hard. Finna make it to level 7 next time.

  5. I was lucky enough to get a Higgs zap while living in Baltimore, but back then I had no idea he was going to be so unavailable after that; would've gotten more.

    Best tattoo I did not get was from Rollo. Was visiting Minneapolis in 99 or 2000 cant remember which, and my friend who know him well took us to Aloha where I met Mike & Keith. Super nice guy, Mike was more than gracious in letting me go through boxes and boxes of crazy old China Sea stuff, and a few books with all kinds of drawings, tracings,and stencils from Jerry. Saw a LOT of stuff that has never seen the pages of any book or magazine or printed anywhere. Shared some good stories as he was tattooing some chick, and smoked a cigar with his gloves on hahaha. He reminded me of a big ol tattooed cigar smoking Santa.

    Having only 250$ to spend, I had a tough choice in front of me. Get a zap from Mike, or get some rad artwork. I figured I'd get the art this trip, and a zap on the next trip. I bought the stencil of a snake with Jerry's head wrapped around a broad holding a fan in front of her face, and a lil seahorse drawing he did.

    By the time I was up in MPLS next, it was '02 when I was moving there to work at a shop, but I believe Rollo had already moved away by the time I had dough saved after moving up there.

    One of many highlights was to watch him paint, and also getting to look at a lot of the originals for the blackeyes book, but at the time had no idea they were being painted for publication.

    I don't think I regret not getting tattooed; I absolutely love what I bought. I just wish I could've gotten both.

  6. I really don't ever want to see another show. I try to be open about the added business, but even my walk in's lately think that shit is passe and gay. It's encouraging people who don;t even want tattoos to get tattooed and they end up being the kind of people that take three hours of hand holding just for a 60 dollar name. I'd rather bang out fast names on gangsters all day before having to take three hours to talk someone through a fifteen minute tattoo. Not to mention the freaking amount of people walking in trying to be tattooers.

    hahah for some reason I can never picture your shop being frequented by thug lifers.

  7. The way Mario suggested is probably the best way to do it. I've got one I built on a roller stand that I have been using for about 5 years now. It's pretty heavy duty though. If you are going the tripod route think about using a cymbal stand. Cheap cymbal stands are usually sturdier than cheep tripods.

    Yes! For quite a while I made one with a cheap but still beefy cymbal stand, and made a pad the same way Mario described.

    Looked just like this but with a cushion. Rotated in all directions!


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