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Posts posted by SarahBee

  1. 5 hours ago, Hogrider said:

    It's not a touch up, it's new work and it's not literally five minutes of work. They have to set up, clean up, tear down, and sterilize whether they tattoo for five minutes or five hours.

    It's a well done, nicely designed tattoo. Live with it for a few months before you make any decisions.

    I didn't mean for it to sound like I was implying it wouldn' be a good amount of work for the artist, I meant that it would be extra 5 minutes of drawing if I come in for a touch up for what I have right now. Also I didn't know that touchups are free so I definitely wasn't expecting it to be free! But thank you for your answer anyways, I was just freaking out a bit but everyone who I've talked to has said it looks fine. I probably will add to it later.

  2. Hi everyone! I am editing my initiation post because I have a question I really need answered. 

    I just got my first tattoo yesterday of a bee and a floral wreath underneath it. I really liked the design when I saw it on paper and how it looked on me when I first got it done before wrapping it up. However, now the next day, after many many pictures and stare-downs in the mirror, I realized that the wreath shape is too square. It is making me dislike the tattoo and instead of feeling really happy and proud, I feel shy about it and don't want to show it to anyone.

    I'm trying not to get too bummed out because I think it can be easily fixed just by adding a few small details to make it look rounder. I drew some squiggles on my phone to show what I mean (pictures attached.) Obviously whatever the artist ends up drawing will look better!

    So my question is basically how do I go about this? Can I still contact my artist if her booking is now closed? Or does this count a touch up or rework? I think it will be literally 5 minutes of work. I also dont want to seem rude, and I feel bad because I obviously liked it and told the artist that I was really happy with it (cause at the time I was.)

    The two pictures are what my tattoo currently looks like (top) and a picture with my phone squiggles that I drew to make the wreath look more rounded. Tell me what you think!

    Advice very much appreciated!



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