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Posts posted by Heatherr

  1. I recently had a half sleeve done.  It is my first large tattoo.  The regret, and panic I feel after getting this tattoo has been crushing to me.  I am not an emotional person so this is strange behavior for me.  

    Is this normal? Not normal? 

    I am trying to reason with myself to find something about the tattoo that I love and I can't.  I feel like I am talking myself further down the rabbit hole and almost into a depression over it all. 

  2. On 1/15/2013 at 9:20 PM, Mike Panic said:

    That blows. Blisters happen for a variety of reasons, some could be blamed on the tech / Dr. who set the laser up, some may have to do with your immune system and some may have to do with what was used in the pigments you were tattooed with. The sad truth is, without FDA regulation, tattoo pigment is made of some kind of scary stuff. As it sits in your skin, it really doesn't do anything positive or negative, just like a birth mark. When you laser it though, those pigment particles fracture into much smaller pieces that the immune system can dispose of - that's where you start to run into issues with how your body processes those, and what those particles are actually made of.

    I have been reading about this lately as well.  Specially if larger pieces are being laser treated 1 session + its affects on the body.  Hopefully lymph systems up to speed and working as they should

  3. On 3/7/2011 at 5:00 PM, Cornishtiger said:

    Good lord I need to move to the USA and get rich and famous for not being a laser butcher.

    The pain, the bruising, the blisters and the scars are caused by people not understanding the process and misusing the equipment.

    I never let a client leave with blisters, rarely get even small bruises, have never left a client with scared skin and get really good removal results.

    Its time to do some learning people.

    If you are offering laser and feel you may be causing pain or damage beyond whats necesary drop me a PM I will be happy to chat.

    Every time I have heard of laser here from somebody (in US) they have always gotten bad blisters.  Im shocked this isn't "normal".  

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