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Randomguy with tattos

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Posts posted by Randomguy with tattos

  1. 5 hours ago, Gingerninja said:

    Whomever said that to you was a jerk. First, the tattoo was for your mom and dad - it's yours and you got it for all the right reasons.  Second, I don't know if it was a "friend" that said this to you. Regardless, the comment was inappropriate. If you have a chance, you should tell them how much the comment upset you. 

    THEN, get on with enjoying your new tattoo.


    Thanks, it really helped. No he is not friend like that, only a work friend.

    I nerver knew that people write qk instead of "kuk" in Sweden so it was quite a shock to me.

    But you guys are all right, it means something to me and the majority won't read it as a word and I have to stop thinking about what he said.

    The thing was that my mom and dad have not seen the tattoo so I was worried that they may missread it too.

  2. Hi!

    I just got myself a new tattoo for my mom and dad and I loved it until a colleague misread the tattoo.

    If you read it as a text and pronounce q and k together(qk, some people write like this when they dont want to write "kuk") it sounds like dick(kuk) in my language(swedish) and now i cant stop thinking about it.

    I have been having a lot of anxiety over this and now I am already thinking of doing a coverup if possible or remove it.

    Anyone else who have had a similar experience when someone misread your tattoo in a bad way?


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