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Shannon Wages

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    Shannon Wages reacted to TrixieFaux in Tattoo artist banned from career day   
    I work at an elementary school. We have had a bar owner in for career day before. Bar owner vs Tattooer... Idk, both are legit careers. Undertaker too, though that would have scared me as a kid. I could see not allowing prostitutes & pimps in for career day ;-) but if I were the principal I'd let a tattooer talk about the profession for sure.
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    Shannon Wages reacted to slayer9019 in Tattoo artist banned from career day   
    While I can understand some parents not liking the "alternative lifestyle" being promoted or their thinking it is a low-life job. What I cannot understand is these people causing such a fuss about it and getting this parent not to go. I would personally go out and see if they would complain about a Wall St. parent going there and explaining his destroying of people's financial lives.
    I am good friends with the owner of a funeral home and dated a funeral director before. I would also be pissed if parents blocked them too. All this PC shit bothers me, I mean eventually these super sheltered kids will be adults. Don't people even think of that?
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    Shannon Wages reacted to eisen777 in Tattoo artist banned from career day   
    The real thing that upsets me o is if the kid really wanted it and some asshole tells them they cant do it it just makes the kid feel like crap. Its not really about the world of tattooing here for me, more about the children. FOR GOD SAKE WILL SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!
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