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Posts posted by cptrixie

  1. This has been a great thread - I realize I need to be more appreciative of how my folks and family have reacted to my ink! When I first started getting tattooed (almost 20 years ago now) my Mom hated them. We had to have the "why are you doing this to me" and "I don't see why you want to deface your body" conversations where I had to explain that none of my tattoos were about HER and that I didn't see it as defacement.

    Over the years, and many more tattoos (big hiatus in the middle where I got an eyebrow piercing instead, ha!) she now understands that this is a form of my own self expression and it's not a reflection of her. I've proven that I make good decisions on placement, style and content and that they don't hurt my life opportunities. My Dad is slowly coming around, but he will never like them. My brother and sister in law show them to my nephews (4 and 2 now) and we play "what is this? yes, bird! what sound does the bird make?" with the younger one. My other nephews show me their press on Spidermans when we Skype.

    None of my family would ever get one. And some don't 'understand' them. Which is fine. They don't have to. But nobody should make you feel BAD about them. Or ashamed. And look at all these stories of parents who came around to some understanding in the end. I think there is something burned into our psyches (especially us girls) that want our Moms to be proud. And those of us with tattoos know that our tattoos are part of us and it feels like a rejection of ALL of who we are when someone is just nasty. Never forget you are more than your skin.

    Good luck. :)

    (that got a little rambley! sorry)

  2. Heya, long time no see. Stopped by this shop today whilst running errands up in Seattle. Super nice folks with a wide range of styles.

    Rabid Hands

    Here are a couple of their IG's.

    Bryan (previously worked at Cicada)




    Jerad (really dig his wolves)



    Was in there Sunday getting the outline of my new bird from Bryan. Cool shop, nice guys, AWESOME vibe.

    Sara Purr (Instagram) is also there - she's doing some really great old school traditional stuff and is new enough to Seattle that you can sometimes get a walk in with her.

  3. My 2cents - for all my recent work I've had a mix of "see it when I show up" and "hey, whatcha think?" In all cases but one I've been super stoked with what I saw. I am starting my second half sleeve this weekend and for the first time asked him to change something.

    Strangely, I felt REALLY bad asking for a change! I know he's cool with it, and I know I am giving him a lot of latitude so his style will come through... but I wish I could have just gone with it. Unfortunately, I just couldn't. So.. now I'm waiting to see the next rev and as long as it gives me the feel I am looking for, I think we'll be golden.

    Only 6 sleeps to go! (I have been waiting for this appointment for something like 4 months.)

  4. Phew! That was an interesting day! I was only able to hit a couple of shops, and will definitely have to make another go of it in the next couple of weeks. Traffic was ridiculous (it took me 1 hour to go 50 blocks).

    All in all a good day though, with some fun moments. Got to see some good friends, pushed a ladies' stalled car out of an intersection (a homeless lady came to help, along with a giant dude who looked like humpty dumpty--strangest trio ever), and got to talk with an awesome artist at Cicada (Bryan Kachel). He was super friendly and let me chat him up for 30 minutes (he had a badass crustacean on his right hand from Chris O'Donnell). Most of that shop will be at the expo in August and I'm looking forward to talking to them again.

    The only other stop I got to make was Slave to the Needle in Ballard. It was cool to check out the art, and whilst there they let me know that John Fitzgerald has a hold on new clients/consults. I'll check back in another month which is fine as I wanted to talk to him about a back piece and haven't settled on the subject matter/who I would like to do it.

    So many shops to visit, so little time! I look forward to the next outing!

    Bringing this back a little from the dead, I know, but I'm glad you got to chat with Bryan. He's cool people - all my latest work is from him and we have another appt scheduled for early September to start on some arm stuff. Any of the guys at that shop are super neat though. September seems so far away... I'll have to stop by the booth at the expo and say hey at least. I'd love to see him get more work... but then it just gets harder for ME to see him!

  5. Slave to the Needle does some really awesome work (I am actually fairly near their original shop here in Ballard) but the shop vibe at Cicada is amazing and you can really tell these guys love the art and appreciate each other. It's a cool place to walk into.

  6. This has been a really interesting thread. I've had tattoos since I was in my 20's - I was careful to get them in places they generally didn't show or wouldn't if I didn't want them to. When I was 30 I pierced my eyebrow - wore a ring for a long time although I've since gone to a barbell. Recently I got chest tattoos and, although they are still in places I can cover them if needed, I wear a decent number of shirts that show peaks of them although I don't when I don't know my audience.

    I am currently a Director in IT at a telecommunications company. One of the other Directors is working on a full sleeve but generally goes for the "long sleeve button down man's corporate uniform" look. Our boss - SVP - isn't into tattoos, something I found out after my co-worker gleefully pointed mine out to him (they go way back, so he knows it's a safe button to push).

    My coworkers viewpoint is that for people like Bossman knowing people like me and coworker are good for them and that someday people will look for not only employees but leaders who are tattooed as it shows a certain sort of creativity and personal expression that you don't find in other places. His thought is that tattoos are on a path to be an asset vs a possible detriment.

    I know that I personally have made the choice to put my tattoos where I can hide them if I need to. Luckily, I work in an industry (IT) that accepts some more personal freedoms than some others might allow. Still, I recognize that the world doesn't conform to me and I made my choices based on that. I applaud those of you who fight a different fight than I have chosen and thank you for it!

  7. Welcome from another noob. Enjoy.

    Thanks! Figured I should go legit. ;)

    Greetings, where/who do you get tattooed by up in Seattle?

    Heya neighbor to the south! The stuff I got before the break was from the old Superstar (they expanded at one point and are now Super Genius), Hidden Hand in Fremont and from the old Revolution Tattoo who are now a Slave To The Needle location. Those old ones aren't bad but, honestly, nothing with OMG factor. Since then, I've learned quite a bit... ;)

    The new stuff is being done by Bryan Kachel at Cicada Tattoo http://www.facebook.com/cicadatattoo?fref=ts

    He's done some old school traditional crows on my outer chest and on the 21st I go back in for leaves behind them and a robot piece on my back shoulder. Can't recommend these guys enough!

    Thanks for the welcome, folks!

  8. Hello everybody! The last time I was in getting tattooed (mid- September) my artist mentioned this site as we were talking other tattoo sites. Since then, I've been lurking and reading and figured it was time to say hi so I could join in the conversation.

    I took about a 9 year break from getting tattooed and then decided that life was too short and I was back in the chair for more! I look forward to reading more and hopefully contributing to the community.

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