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Petri Aspvik

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Posts posted by Petri Aspvik

  1. I had a weird clitch just now when I was logging in. I typed my name and then when I typed my password, it didnt show up as the black dots, but as normal text. I deleted it and was thinking what the fuck. Then I wrote it again, pushed enter, and for a few seconds the password was as writing and then turned to black dots.

    Anyone else had this?

  2. Hmmm. Well, less is more. I much rather would want to see a portfolio where there is like 20 tattoos with maybe even a brief description about what they really want to do. I mean, why not? If there is a eagle and the artist wants to do eagles that are more like flash from the 1930, as the one he maybe has in his portfolio, and not so much from the 1970's, then write it there. I dont know if artists do this, but there are no rules. Put photographs in your portfolio of stuff you are drawn to. Fucking poems or shit.

    And what RockelMan said is a great advice. Its boring to see 300 pics of tattoo work and have no sense of reason in them

  3. Petri will do just fine. Sound too formal when you use my full name and I am not old :D

    And yeah, the face trough door in Shining IS a great tattoo subject, but like you said, why not the boy or mister Bush :p

    Its just for me, what I have found out that usually when I love a movie, then the stuff I really would want to get tattooed is 75% of times not the poster or anything like that. It is some feeling, some pivotal part to ME. Of course all the things I mentioned from 2001 ARE the so called stock images, but shit, who says I am the cats pyjamas or some shit :)

  4. Smart thinking maxx1221. I also loved it as a younger me and was thinking about a tattoo, but that idea died in few months.

    I have had other movies tattoo ideas, but none of them hold water in time. For example

    Office Space Peter gets hypnotized and the part where his face is all "ahhhhhh" serene after it, that face as a B&G portrait. I took like 50 freese frames of it.

    Donnie Darko The numbers

    2001: A Space Odyssey The floating baby, the ape hitting the bones or Bowman. This is propably my favorite movie of all time. Love it. It's a perfect movie. Art.

    The Ninth Gate I have seen it about 15 times. Another perfect movie. And actually, my last tattoos were influenced somewhat by it. Or there is a key and a book in the blades of the daggers I got.

    Cant remember others... But one thing I dont get is that when people get a movie tattoo, its ALWAYS the same fucking Shining face trough the door or some other stuff. Nothing wrong with it, but it makes me think that if they actually like the movie or just want a "stock image" from it. Type The Shining in google and take the first pic

    The Shining - Google-haku

    BUT, my favorite movies are allready mentioned 2001 and The Ninth Gate. Then also American Graffiti. Stalker was fucking amazing. I waited 5 years to watch it because I was afraid I would be dissapointed. I wasnt. Art. Good Will Hunting hits home really hard for personal reasons. One of the resent year hits for me is Felon

    Felon (2008) - IMDb

    Amazing movie. Seen it about 6 times already. I didnt expect anything else than a good friday night OK action movie, but god damn! It went deep. Hits home to anyone who think about the blurred line between the animality in us. The darkness and trying to be good and not in any "good vs evil" type of way, but more the hidden deep darkness, or normality in all of us, and how you can embrace it and actually be a better person for it. Balance. Great movie.

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