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Scott Sylvia

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Blog Entries posted by Scott Sylvia

  1. Scott Sylvia
    The following is what I wrote at the end of a thread that will be removed. By request, I've taken this part out and moved it here. If you have no idea what it's in reference to, lucky you. Don't worry about it.
    Hey everyone,
    Sorry I haven't been on here so much, I've been super busy painting and getting ready for an art show for the shop. Thank god we're now officially broken up with BumbleNuts.
    To clear up the "private section" issue, I just want to say that it has never been my intention to have a private tattooer's section. My goal has always been to promote good tattooing in a positive way. There are other tattoo forums that have had private sections, and they've just turned into knitting circles with name calling and frat boy posturing. I'm not against clubs per se, I am a member of the Good Gents and the Oddfellows, but a private section would only hurt the long term health of our forum.
    There are tons of ways for tattooers to talk to each other everyday, you could also PM each other on here. But this forum was never intended to teach techniques or explain how to tattoo, we just want to elevate the publics' knowledge, and our own, of the truly great things that are happening in tattooing, past, present, and future.
    I especially want to thank Valerie and Stewart and anyone else who's tried to participate as a tattooer OR a collector on here and help cool this fire down. It's also the non-tattooers like Shawn Porter, gougetheeyes, Ursula, and Ms Rad that make LST great. Just like how we wouldn't be tattooers if we didn't have clients, we're interdependent both in the shop and on LST as well.
    So yeah, Go Team! (Clearly I've drank a lot of good coffee today.)
  2. Scott Sylvia
    So keeping with the Aaron cain, I have a lot of them I use to bail him out of every bad financial decision he made. Usually he would go on some toy shopping spree right before rent was due.
    This machine was from when he first started to build machines for sale. i could have gotten a lower number but thought the 13th one would be cool and somebody had dibs on number 7. i have the number 14 of the iron telephone dial from Mickey sharpz and for a moment i thought i would collect machines by numbers but lost interest quickly. i used this for a while it always had some crazy long stroke and was not an everyday machine. it now hangs in the cabinet and looks great in there so there it stays ha-ha.
  3. Scott Sylvia
    So here it is, my first blog entry. Check me out, I'm in the 90"s now....
    I will be writing a couple of book reviews on three amazing books. The first one is the Bob Roberts book, which has a pricey back bone and is well worth it. The second will be the Tattoo Encyclopedia by Hanky Panky, a true pirate. Hanky Panky takes no shit, none whatsoever. He is the greatest tattoo historian and he lives the life, as opposed to all the degree holding turds who are just hoping someone will take them serious. I cannot remember the name of the Danish tattoo book I'll be reviewing, I just know that I've have spent hours looking at it wishing i could be that cool... sweet beards and stashes all over it... oh, and lots of boats.
    Hope these words find you well and true,
    most respectfully,
  4. Scott Sylvia
    Bryan Burk is not your average tattooer by any stretch of the word. He has been blessed by having one of tattooing greats as a teacher. Bryan has a very impressive and relaxed style. His sense of layout is unmatched, I truly love and respect his sort of Japanese/American style. Not to mention his great fashion sense, the man has his own hatter, custom hand made for his head only.
    I have thought for a long time that Bryan Burk was the greatest kept secret in tattooing in LA, a town full of not very talented people clambering for both fame and famous friends. None of this has ever struck me about Bryan, he takes the job very serious and has a deep respect for the roots and responsibility of it. The secret is now out, he's got quite a faithful following of local and international collectors.
    The first time I met him, I was working at Spotlight and he was quietly working in the side room. I still remember the tattoo he was doing, it was an amazing raven. I thought to myself, "how long has this dick been tattooing? He just did a better raven then I ever have." I still remember it to this day, and I don't remember much. We next traveled a bit together because of our mutual friend, Juan Puente. This is when I got to know him a bit, traveling from Amsterdam to Paris, and then on to London. Two weeks of hanging out with Bryan every day lead to the discovery that he was more than just another idiot with a tattoo machine. His knowledge of Japanese tattooing and art was impressive, I personally consider myself seriously lacking in this department. Bryan later asked me to do his back, which I was, and still am, flattered to have done it. In the process of his finishing his back, he scored me some of the best reference books in my library. My book shelves are now way cooler thanks to knowing him. (It seems I have more books on cars and motorcycles that tattooing.) In this interview, you kinda get a glimpse at his strange old man type of relaxed character that I find hilarious. If you are planning on being in LA, arrange your trip around an appointment with this man and you will not regret it. Bryan's shop, Dark Horse, is at 4630 Hollywood Blvd., call them at 323-401-9950.
    I hope you all enjoy the interview, it took place in the back of our shop, Blackheart, quite a while ago. Due to some technical difficulty it was delayed until now, but Bryan Burk was actually one of the first tattooers I set out to interview right from the gate.
    Sincere thanks to all of you for reading this, and many thanks to Bryan for doing this and being a part of LST. And a special thanks to you, Bryan, for all the amazing drawings of me you have done,
    Part 1 of 4

    For the other parts of the Bryan Burk Interview:
    Bryan Burk Interview: Part 2 of 4
    Bryan Burk Interview: Part 3 of 4
  5. Scott Sylvia
    tonight i did the juan puente interview. i think it went very well for my first one, now i just have to figure out how to down load the damn thing to the computer..totally retarded..supose to do freddy corbin tomorrow if it all works out, that will be awsome he has been a huge influence in my life as a friend and a tattooer i hope i can get this stuff up soon so you can all see it. cody is in florida and is going to interview mike wilson, jeremy swed, and josh arment for me. lots going on here. hope you are well and the scabs fall off.
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