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Posts posted by Jake

  1. Drench the fresh tattoo in Neosporin as soon as the artist finishes. Hahahaha just kidding.

    For reals though Aquaphor is the shit. It's made by Eucerin- the same company Lochlan is recommending lotion from- but it has more of a consistency of Vaseline than lotion. I do the standard wash a couple hours after (I've found the exact time isn't crucial to the healing process for me so don't sweat it if you rinse off 6 hours later or 2 hours later) and then apply a thin layer of Aquaphor. It'll look really funky about an hour after application so I usually take that as a cue to dab off the excess with a clean paper towel. Then just reapply as necessary. Personally, it makes my scabs much thinner and flakier and less likely to get infected/stick/fall out.

    Basically, use this:


    to get colors like this:


    PS - Tattoo by Scott Sylvia 2010

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