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marley mission

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Everything posted by marley mission

  1. lol @blujax01 can quote lines from caddyshack all day
  2. indeed cobain was my fav of the bunch but they are all top notch
  3. ...and he always had some mighty fine wine... sorry for the lame shiny pic photog i am not couple days into heal (tatt from wed) so still irritated pre peal shot matt dunn rabbits den milltown nj
  4. marley mission

    frog banjo

    matt dunn rabbits den milltown nj
  5. well probably best to start from the covered areas on out - go chest or upper arm or thigh - plenty of areas to start with that will be typically covered in a workplace environment i would love to go on my lower arm areas but i have concerns as well working in a school environment (I hate / never wear long sleeve shirts) havent ruled it out the placement though for future ink but in the meantime - i got plenty of space to play with i'll worry about it more once i've heabily covered the other areas anyway - good luck
  6. haha too red right now - came out nice though matt dunn @ rabbits den in milltown nj couple days i'll post :)
  7. appointments on 1/23 and 2/18 and maybe...one at the philly convention
  8. just got a thigh piece tonight 3 hour piece will post up after its cooled down a bit
  9. possibly have been having some communications with an artist who will be there regarding an appointment never been to a convention so certainly interested in checking one out but i'm still up in the air
  10. yeah i agree with whats been said mmikaoj there are alot of amazing backpieces dropping here but when i saw yours - it makes me say 'yes' i need to go there (as in the backpiece) one day
  11. wish we could see said tattoo its probably awesome and should be left be
  12. @SeeSea - gotta be alot of emotions there as you wrap this piece up - quite a journey - i can see myself going there one day - seems such an intimidating project though - cant imagine going through it and be at the end - quite an experience i'm sure - enjoy it...and then keep going :)
  13. wow that is outta control good i get super red like that too
  14. marley mission


    messing around
  15. marley mission

    healed parrot

    matt dunn rabbits den milltown nj
  16. hey you got your wheels working sir get into to see an artist that you like i'm sure others can chime in that are in the know for texas artists but you get in there and describe what you're thinking maybe bring a couple of ref pieces based on your ideas and let that artist do there thing some cool ideas though prob make a nice shoulder piece
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