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Everything posted by michelefromhell

  1. Like my grandpa always said "there's an ass for every seat". They probably interviewed a handful of squares. Good thing is, all the tattooed women and bearded men will be available for each other, and not have to waste their time on closed-minded, shallow idiots.
  2. Is it me, or is the relative's signature, taken off a greeting card, getting a little overdone? I feel like putting one's grandfather's signature next to one's breast is a little...odd. When I bring this up to the ladies who want to get this, they kind of look at me blankly. I think I would be put off if I was a man (or a lady into other ladies) and I took off said ladies' bra, only to find her grandpa's signature, I'd put the bra right back on her and go home...
  3. Thanks for looking, guys! Who doesn't like cats and farts, really? @shellehbean Thanks! I am going on 11 years this November. My biggest problem right now is taking pictures of me work. I really suck at it. Working on that right now. Oh, and not taking 10 months to finish a sheet of flash.
  4. Hi! Michele here, from Fat Kat Tattoo in Keyport, NJ. I haven't belonged to a message board in about 10 years, so I am pretty shaky on the internet socialization thing. Been tattooing since 2003, started my apprenticeship in 2001 under Mike Callahan and Troy Chartier. I have been at Fat Kat for about 8 years. Figured it was time for me to be more active in my profession, instead of being a creepy wallflower who doesn't talk to anyone. So,hello everyone. If you like self deprecation, fart jokes, weird Victorian stuff and cats, we'll get along swimmingly. That's about it. Check out my work, if you feel so inclined. I'm on instagram as michelefromhell or the shop's website is fatkattat.com Thanks for looking.
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