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Juan Puente Video Interview by Scott Sylvia - Part 1 of 4

I first met Juan Puente in 19-something-or-other at the San Diego convention at the Bahia. The convention was righteous, I believe that it was the one Zeke Owens rode his bike cross country to attend. It was the first time Juan and I ever hung out, and we have been comrades ever since. We have worked together at two shops and have traveled the world together, including Japan, Italy, France, England, Holland, Bali, Mexico, even the cultural mecca of Long Beach. Juan and I have a brotherly bond a

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Josh Arment Interview by Cody Miller part 1 of 2

I am not really sure when I first actually met Josh Arment, but we went on a very memorable journey right before my daughter was born. He had arranged for us to go shark diving with great white sharks off the Mexico coast at Guadeloupe Islands. There were seven or eight tattooers on a boat for five days with some really, really big sharks. One of the highlights for me was when I got to high-five a 16 foot great white shark, it was pretty awesome. Unfortunately for Josh, he shared a room with a s

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Help!!!!! All bay area tattooers!!!!!!

ATTENTION ALL BAY AREA TATTOOERS. my friend danny dringenberges car was broken into tonight next door to black heart tattoo and all of his shit was stolen. anyone brings any tattoo related stuff including tattoo machines please call the shop.415-431-2100 there will be a reward for sure. please help if you can. thanks

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Hello friends and welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo

So here it is, my first blog entry. Check me out, I'm in the 90"s now.... I will be writing a couple of book reviews on three amazing books. The first one is the Bob Roberts book, which has a pricey back bone and is well worth it. The second will be the Tattoo Encyclopedia by Hanky Panky, a true pirate. Hanky Panky takes no shit, none whatsoever. He is the greatest tattoo historian and he lives the life, as opposed to all the degree holding turds who are just hoping someone will take them serio

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Hanky Panky's awesome new book

ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR THE ART AND HISTORY OF TATTOOING BY HENK SCHIFFMACHER, AKA HANKY PANKY I believe my first true encounter with Henk was at the last Amsterdam convention in 96. I had met him before, but never got the full experience. I had flown to Europe with Jeff Rassier, it was my first trip there and I was stoked. We got to our hotel, threw our shit in the room and headed straight to Henk's shop. The red light district was full of dirt bag tattooers roaming about, lurking on the hooker

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

FRED CORBIN interview part one of three.

You know how when you were a kid there was always that guy a few years older who was just beginning to grow a mustache and had the sweetest feathered hair? He always had a cute girl hanging around, and had the ten speed with the handle bars flipped up? Remember how he could ride wheelies forever on that thing, up and down the block, never missing a beat, looking so cool with his feathered hair blowing in the wind? Remember how you just hoped when you were older that you could maybe be half as co

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

first shader

So this is one of two of my first shaders. I am not sure which one is the actual first one because I never marked them but they are from the same order one was millers and one was mine then he sold me the other later on. i rebuilt this machine 10 times over the years. i use this one a lot now a days. it is primarily my big mag machine it really pushes and quick. don't dig it with 7 mags sort of turns it all to shag carpet " not really what I'm going for" I had a third frame the in my great

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

first one fucker

I don't know how many of you know me or my history of growing up in tattooing so i will start in the beginning with my first machine. I started tattooing in late 1989 with Aaron Cane he was responsible for me getting my fist job in tattooing. We had gone to school with each other since the 6th grade and he had done my first tattoo on his couch when i was 14?. my second when i was 16. My first job tattooing was working for a guy named miller cotton who didn't know much in the way of art but k

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Dan Dringenberg Tattoo Artist Interview - (sorry for the delay!)

Dan Dringenberg hails from an era of tattooing that was scary, violent and otherwise hostile. I started tattooing in this period, cutting my teeth with a big biker guy named Miller. I'm sure that many people will understand when I say that Dan has changed tattooing in many ways, but most notably with his black back pack. It maybe true that every corner of this business is currently saturated with suppliers ripping each other off, but it wasn't like that back then. Dan was one of the first p

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Bryan Burk Interview: Part 1 of 4

Bryan Burk is not your average tattooer by any stretch of the word. He has been blessed by having one of tattooing greats as a teacher. Bryan has a very impressive and relaxed style. His sense of layout is unmatched, I truly love and respect his sort of Japanese/American style. Not to mention his great fashion sense, the man has his own hatter, custom hand made for his head only. I have thought for a long time that Bryan Burk was the greatest kept secret in tattooing in LA, a town full of not

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

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