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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2019 in all areas

  1. I’d venture to guess that if this is only your second tattoo and first in a visible spot, your feelings of anxiety are completely reasonable and probably not too uncommon. Some of my friends have fun teasing me cause they know I tend to be very harsh and unsure about my tattoos. Compound this with the fact you can see 1,000’s of the best tattoos from the best artists all around the world, refreshing on your instagram feed hourly. AND the fact that you can appreciate all of those without the consequences of getting them and it makes even more sense why one would second guess, go through shock or feel a sense of regret. It’s actually probably a big part of the power and statement of tattoos, a sense of live for today, don’t care about tomorrow, self assured impression whether actual or just imagined. In conclusion, take the advice you’ve received so far and stop looking at it or thinking about it at least until it’s completely healed, settled in, no longer shiny and overly saturated looking. Give yourself permission not to deal with it about it for at least three months before you can make a reasonable, levelheaded decision or opinion about it.
    1 point
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