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Everything posted by Tight-Lines

  1. Its all good. I shall accept.

  2. I know you are not allowed to be in bath houses in Japan with too many tattoos. I was kinda bummed about that when I went.
  3. Fire breathing Kodiak bear fighting a Bison. Can someone draw this up?
  4. I've seen this movie four times now, and Im still figuring stuff out. It seems like every time I watch it I get a new idea about how the movie is not only progressing, but figuring out wither he is constantly in a dream, or if there are parts of TRUE reality. My first round with this bastard I was a little drunk, so my ideas were nothing more than a Jameson induced delirium. My second round I noticed that the music plays a huge part in the movie. The tone, and song changes to fit wither he is doing his dream thing, or when he is (or believes) he is in reality. The last two times is when I came up with the idea that he had been dreaming the whole time since he was using his wife's Talisman. What does everyone else think? I just bought it, and am interested in hearing what other people thought.
  5. That is a glorious eagle. I think every man/woman should have a giant eagle either looking as awesome as that, or have it attacking something like a giant squid or a Megalodon.
  6. RP was super intense. It was like Ruined on Speed.
  7. I really dont like Comadre. They remind me of an even worse Dangers. Dead To Me was awesome the last time I saw them. Im pissed I lost my new Gilman card already after just going a few nights ago. I suck.
  8. POWERHOUSE PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS MADBALL Cruel Hand Crucified Boundaries January 23, 2011 - Thee Parkside - $15 MADBALL, CRUEL HAND, CRUCIFIED, BOUNDARIES @ Thee Parkside - January 23rd 2011 7:30 pm
  9. She has a broken heart man... duhhhhhhhhhhhh
  10. I need a plane ticket to nebraska now. I would kill at that job.
  11. I love how passive aggressive people at fast food places are getting. Maybe people will stop eating that shit now.
  12. I feel like watching memento every time I see that commercial where the kid is getting random words of shame on his body. My favorite one is the tattoo that says "LOL".
  13. I had a really bad horchata from the mi pueblo in San Rafael. No bueno.
  14. Yeah that was it. I ended up seeing them in stockton :( . Still great but I hate stockton. Also Black Fag last night was as good as ever. So much fun. My War-drobe!
  15. I saw them the last time they were at gilman, and was blown away. Its the closest I will ever get to seeing a band on the same caliber as Pansy Division.
  16. Was originally going to Hoodsfest in sac BUT!!!! Black Fag and Plan 9 tomorrow night at Gilman. RAD!
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