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Posts posted by slayer9019

  1. I'd go for the rib, you already have what I like to call a, "Fuck you, in your face!!!" tattoo.

    For clarification, I define a Fuck you, in your face!!! tattoo as any tattoo that is visible while wearing shorts and a short sleeve t-shirt.

    Anyone that sports this gets my respect, I fucking love it, nonconformist!!!

    I kinda disagree with you on this one. I think the only tattoos that push the limit would be hand/neck and especially face tattoos. Secondly most of everyone I know that got a "nonconformist" tattoo did not get them for respect or to show off but more for the art. I look at tattoos are wearable art. I've been broke, lost most of my possessions but a tattoo will stay with you forever (for better or worse). Funny thing my tattoos will almost never been seen as I prefer to keep them to myself.

  2. That is a hard one. I have been given a set of flash (prints) but never tried to buy any. Although I did buy a rollo line drawing book at taylor street a few years ago. I figure if its for sale its for sale, but like anything in this world - am sure there are some who feel differently. Buying flash from a person who is tattooing you or asking them if they know anyone with a set for sale might be a good start. My thought is at least they know you are not an aspiring scratcher.

    Yea I tried my hand at art as a kid.....lets just say straight lines come out like I was drawing during an earthquake. I've found that as I get older I not only find out what I'm good at also what I cannot do. Art/Music is something I truly enjoy but always from afar. I am not a creator. If only I could show that.

  3. Yea it hit a lot less than what I had expected but it still did take a toll on us here in the NYC metro area. I am currently sitting home unpaid because New Jersey trains into NYC are currently down for the count.

  4. I was wondering what are the thoughts of non-tattooers owning flash/tattoo art. I have been itching to buy some flash/tattoo art to add to my art collection. This does bring up the question....are there any opinions of non-tattooers owning flash/tattoo art? Coming from a family of artists I know sometimes art will not be sold to "the unworthy" or something along the lines of such. I was even thinking along the lines of having some kind of "custom" flash sets made. No real guidelines just a basic idea for what would be in the flash set (i.e. panther, skull/dagger, etc)

    Any ideas?

  5. While I'm new to getting tattooed I just put myself in the position of the person tattooing me. I think at least I am doing it right.

    Pre-shave the area. (I am one hairy mofo)

    Show up early, usually half-hour to forty-five minuets and sit quietly until called

    Chain smoke pre-tattoo so I don't get the nic-fit shakes

    When getting tattooed I sit VERY still

    I do not talk unless talked to. I personally hate when people talk to me while trying to concentrate.

    Another big one is LISTEN to advice. Unless you are a tattooer yourself, you pay them to be the knowledgeable one in the situation. These are all examples of things I take from my own job and apply them to getting tattooed. I personally would love to listen to music but won't since I tend to tap my feet to the beat unconsciously.

  6. So far I've been told to get color since I am damn near translucent white, it comes with the territory of working inside, usually no windows :( . Just like Ursula I am Italian but its a joke since I am sooo pale. Only part of my body that ever got tough skin was my hands from years of working on my motorcycles, cars and off-roading.

  7. I am surprised there is no thread on this already. Anyone on the east coast about to get hit by it? Im over here 10 miles from NYC at the moment. New Jersey is shutting down a bunch of roads and NYC shut down all public transport earlier today. Seems like it's going to bit of a shit-show. Biggest hurricane for the area in 100 years, as I've heard.

  8. So my tattoo has bee taken very good care of (to the "t"). Weird thing is about a week after shading was done it started to become VERY dry, almost felt like a scab. Every time I applied lotion to it, it would just soak it all up and still be dry (usually 3 light rubbed in coats). Now it is peeling like sunburn and the flakes are black.... Should I be concerned?

  9. S33k -not really into the wes carter one but other two are dope! Can't wait to see yours buddy!

    Agreed. I for some reason HATE flames and tribal. I do not know why just hate the look. I even got a weird look from my artist when he asked where to put the fire in my tattoo of hell...I said NO FIRE!

  10. Knowing that under a year from the first time needle met skin I will have my legs (or "squid pants") completed is kinda scaring me a bit now...I am sure the itch to get more will slow as my bank account empties :( About to enter into the world of 5 hours a week at least every other week for the next 6 months as I see it....going to be EXPENSIVE! Other than that I hope to be done in the next 10 years.

  11. photo-41.jpg

    Just for reference (since I cannot draw and above is from my artist) is the style skull I was going for with a bit more "softness" of a more traditional skull.

    I was also thinking of adding a lady head to the design somehow, but might save that for my upper arm. I want to get a lady head for my mom and sisters but am unsure of where to put it....too many ideas, too little space!

  12. What's there is there and I am okay with it as well as adding to them. I think in the long run they help me more than hinder me as some of the people I do work for/with may not always remember a consultants name but they sure as hell remember, the guy in the suit with tattoos who does that psychology stuff and can move between many populations. It is that extra etch in their mind and not just another consultant. This is all speculation of course.

    I do have to say that is an excellent way to look at it. I was told by my mentor when I was getting into consulting to stand out a bit so you're not just another face in the crowd, this applies especially to consulting as you are not a regular. I will have to see moving forward if I can actually "get away" with having visible tattoos, but at the moment I have tons of room left and still need to test the waters first.

  13. So I have my appointment coming up soon at Invisible and am getting a traditional(ish) skull. I am still trying to decide what else to add to it. My artist said rose, I said no. I was thinking snake, with possible the skull missing the bottom jaw. Its going to be around 5x5 and my upper thigh. Any ideas?

    Edit: Wrong section. Mods if you want you can move it.

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