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Zombie Pinup Girl

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Posts posted by Zombie Pinup Girl

  1. The worst I've seen so far was a creepy punk lookin' kid with ASSFACE tattooed across his neck in that nasty, green old pen looking ink. Also it was crooked, which totally added to the horror of the whole thing. It was huge too, and none of the letters were spaced out the same or the same size.

    Quality work, brah. *Puts hand on can of pepper spray in purse*.

  2. It's kinda like going to a lady doctor for a vasectomy and asking her what it's going to feel like and having her reply "Oh, you'll only feel a LITTLE discomfort".

    If you don't have junk, you don't know how it feels to have somebody cut it open... If you don't have tattoos, you don't know how your pressure and movements are going to affect your client. I wouldn't go to an artist that didn't have a lot of work done myself.

  3. Hello, I joined the forum because my Husband (RockelMan) is always laughing at stuff you guys have posted, and I am pretty sick of missing out on the jokes.

    Also, you guys know a shit-ton about tattoos and it would be cool to hear your thoughts and ideas about tattooing today and in the past.

    Let's have some fun! :D I look forward to getting to know everyone, you seem like awesome people.

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