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Posts posted by Twiz

  1. Hey, I was just at a shop just looking. The studio was not a bad studio at all and the tattoos that I saw from the portfolios looked well done. But I guess the shop manager and counter girl was the owners girlfriend. And did not know a single thing about tattoos it seemed like. I asked her really simple questions and all of her answers were I dont know. I was about to buy some jewerly(plugs) from the shop and she tried to sell me a smaller size, and I was the one who spotted it out. She had no tattoos and really did not seem into tattoos at all. Just seemed like the shop owner wanted his girlfriend around or just gave her a job when the job could of gone to a person who knows at least a little something about tattoos and all that. I dont know maybe im just bickering. I of course didnt say anything to anyone in the shop because its really not my place. But the shops girlfriend there "working" really put a bad taste in my mouth for some reason. Am I wrong to think this? what are your views on this?

  2. I dont work at a shop, but I tend to go in the same shop from to time even if I am not getting a tattoo. But always treat them as a friend and I hope the artists there all think of me as a friend too. I feel like you should always be nice, just out of respect. I feel like if you are nice and respectful to a shop,its artists and its owner then you will be treated nice too. Ive ran into a few dick tattoo artists who do not tattoo me and always turn my head. Im still a little youngin. Only 21. And honestly feel lucky and grateful to even be able to get tattoos and have tattoos. I try to bring in cool old flash books that I bought to share or just anything. I actually just brought the shop some "moonshine". haha. I always feel horrible for the tattoo artist whos getting treated horrible by a customer. I mean even though I do want to find a mentor...ive always looked up to tattoo artists in a "godly" sense. haha All my respect goes to you lucky tattoo artists.

  3. If your into samurai movies and stuff like that...you should watch 13 assassins, I just watched it the other day and thought it was awesome!. Keep in mind there are subtitles. But hopefully you can get over that.

  4. hahaha maybe I am O_o.

    And when I put that cat picture up there...I was just kinda like alright cool, creepy,weird cat thing im going to use you.

    And now that you mention that it makes you think im shocked every time I reply...makes me crack the hell up dude hahahaaha. Because I see how you see that. haha way to go for giving me a good laugh.

  5. One of the big differences I found when I moved from Toronto, Canada to Jacksonville, FL was the way men treated me. I'm talking about, random guy on the street who I don't know. In Toronto I have never had someone yell a sexual obscenity at me on the street, or on the bus. I never had a random guy at the bar in Canada think it was appropriate to touch me on the thigh or breast out of nowhere, like it was his right. In Jacksonville I've had all of that and much much worse. Miami was by far the worst place for it. A couple of examples. On the bus one day while minding my own business reading a book or whatever, this guy comes up to me and says "If I asked to see all your tattoos would you get naked right now?". Yeah dude, I'm gonna get naked on a bus. I was at a bar on New Year's Eve, this guy walks up to me says nothing and just sticks his band between my legs. Wow awesome dude, I guess you forgot that you personally know my fiancé and saw me with him 5 minutes ago. And even if you didn't, wtf bro? When is that ever acceptable? While waiting for the bus in Jacksonville (while wearing long pants and a tshirt) I've had a number of men drive around the block a few times trying to offer me money for "my services". Countless men yelling rude things out their car windows. Men who get actually angry with you when you say 'sorry I have a boyfriend already'. I was at the bar in Tampa with a female friend. We're at the rail ordering drinks, I feel someone grab onto and hold my hand, like in the boyfriend or BFF way, I assume it's my friend, then I look over and see she's on the other side of me. I turn around and it's some random dude. So I lean over to try and tell him that he's offended me, and why. He put his hand in my face, walked away angry, and then spent the rest of the night trying to show us what an awesome catch I'd missed by dancing like he was at a rave about 10 feet away from us.

    Other big difference. Racism. The very first day I lived in the USA, I told someone I had just come from Canada. His reply: Do y'all got a lot of niggers up there?

    Not saying there isn't racism in Canada, because there certainly is, it's just not as strong or as widespread. Not as accepted.

    Oh and one more. The education system, specifically the public school system. Wow. I've already told my fiancé if we did ever have kids, we're moving back to Canada when they're ready to start school.

    THANKS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!

    p.s. I felt I needed to edit this to add that in regards to all the gross man behaviour. I do not in any way dress provocatively. Anyone here who knows me can verify this. I'm a real jeans and t-shirt kinda lady for the most part.

    Preach it! haha :D.

  6. I am not quite sure yet. I want to get a traditonal style sleeve with an ocean theme. I grew up by the beach, but then moved away from it...so i guess a example would be a sea monster eating a ship...sharks, waves...stuff like that... you have any ideas of a good artist? :)

  7. haha i get work whenever I get enough money for good tattoos. Of course I wish I could have more though. I'm saving up for the start of my sleeve on my right arm. :P

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